01x11 - The Glow of Life

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Misfit of Demon King Academy". Aired July - September 2020.*
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A demon lord reincarnated after 2000 years comes back to the Demon Academy as a total misfit where he must graduate.
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01x11 - The Glow of Life

Post by bunniefuu »

The Gyze can be just for show.

Yeah, since we want to fight
with our own power.

All right, let's get started.


If that Anos guy is the
Demon King of Tyranny,

does that mean he's second only
to Hero Kanon in terms of power?

Not a problem. After all,
we can hear Kanon's voice speaking to us.

All right, let's get going.


Building a Holy Castle.




k*ll them. The demons. k*ll them.


So, what's the plan?

I'll come up with one if it's needed.

Looks like some of them
could be challenging.

What's with that barrier?

That's De Igelia, a barrier that reduces the
enemy's power while enhancing your allies'.

We'll never get anywhere
unless we extinguish that.

Normally, we could just leave it
without going in, but...

There's no time for that in an exam, right?

If we use the topographical effects
of a Demon Castle,

we can withstand the draining spell.

I'll build a castle
in the center of that barrier.

You can build one inside a barrier?

If you give me three minutes.

Then, I'll protect you
during that time, Misha.

Come on in when the castle's done.

I'm counting on you.



So, they can unleash
that much magic inside a barrier.

But it's still incomplete.

Do they really think we're going to just sit
here and let them build something like that?

That one strike just now was impressive.
Go ahead and tell me your name.

Pardon me, but as she's unable to speak,
I'll answer in her place.

Hero Academy Rank , the reincarnation
of Hero Kanon's fourth source,

Zeshia Kanon Ijaysica.

And that's the Holy Sword of Light Enhale.

It will now split
your unfinished castle in a single blow.

We have multiple anti-demonic
barrier spells at our disposal.

One thousand eighty-eight in all.

Watch us add more barriers
until you're totally drained of pow...

What the...


It doesn't seem like those four are
the ones supplying power to this barrier.


Good job.

Crap! That bastard, dissing us like that!

Hate to break it to you.

But Anos shouldn't have to bother
dealing with a scrub like you.

I'm Sasha Necron,
the Witch of Destruction,

and I'm going to...

topple you to the brink of despair.

Generation of Chaos, are you?

Hey, you're Lay Glanzudlii, right?

I hear you're skilled with the sword.

Oh, I'm nothing special,
but probably more than you.


Is this what you're looking for?


Show me justice!


All right!

Got it back! Take this!

Not spooked, are you?

How do you like the taste
of Barrier Magic Birdesd?

Can you still cough up some Magic Power?
Can you move?

I can just finish you off right now!

Did you really think
you'd get your magical gear back intact?

Poison Magic!

Correct. I tampered
with your school badge a bit.

Struggle in vain all you want,

but if you can't break Birdesd,
you're the one who's going to end up dead!

Don't you know why they call me
"The Witch of Destruction"?

This can't be happening!

Now then,

for being so arrogant
toward my Demon King...

you're getting a time-out now!

Can't move, huh?

Inside my Earthquake Barrier...

everything but my
Sacred Power is restrained.

And now, let me show you
one more cool thing!

Come on, Great Sacred Earth Sword Zeleo!

If I use Zele to slash the wound
I've inflicted with Zeleo,

it'll leave you with a stigma.

And then, Healing Magic
won't work on you.

So, are you going to scream and cry now?

Like, "Ouch, that hurts!"

It's your swords that are crying.

H-Hey, how can you move inside my barrier?

This Unique Sword can transform at will.

I was testing to see
if it could take on Sacred Magic Power.

Looks like it worked well!

Oh yeah?


do you think a fake sword like that
would be effective against me?

Want me to use the real thing, then?

You're pretty dumb, aren't you?

As if a demon could wield
my Holy Sword Zeleo...

No way!

Zele! Zeleo! Get back here!

Why aren't you obeying?
I'm ordering you! Get back here!

S-Stay away.

If I use Zele to slash the wound I've inflicted
with Zeleo, you'll be left with a stigma.

Sound about right?

H-Hey! You're not going to do
something as immoral as that!

This is a competitive exam,

Which is why I'm letting
you off with a stigma.

On a b*ttlefield, there'd be
hellish suffering far worse than that.

At least, I think so.



Are you going to feign death forever?

You're as perceptive as I thought.
Fair and square, then.

Let's go all out now.

Protect us...

Heal us...

Sacred Ocean Guardian Sword Bailamente.

So, this is what you call fair and square?

Quite sturdy, aren't you?

You're wasting your time!

Zeshia, we're using that.

Come on! Give it all you've got,
Jerga Kanon!

You're Azeshion's great hope!
The symbol of peace!

Louder, everybody! Empower the Heroes!

Let our voices reach Jerga Kanon!

Convert our voices to power!

What... is that?

It's the souls of the people of Gairadite
cheering us on.

I haven't seen Asc on this scale
in two thousand years.

No, two thousand years ago, the population
of Gairadite was about , .

But since the advent of peace,
it's now ten million!

Let me help you understand the difference
between demons who wield only power...

and humans with our sacred souls!

What do you say to that?

This is the great power of love
that we humans pride ourselves on!

Wha... What's this?

An Asc Magic Circle? How?

Who said that demons had no love?

Just a cheap imitation.

We have the support
of ten million people...

Eight should be sufficient for us.

Fan Union, can you hear me?

Y-Yes, Sir Anos!

We'll be holding
a cheering competition now.


All of you, hand over your love to me.

All right!

Just can't go all out,
our Absolute Demon King...

Come on, Zeshia!

Just because that day, on a whim,
I was a little nice to you...

I don't know what gave
you the wrong idea...

Wh-What is this?

Know your place...

I'm the one who rules, you know...

No way am I going to lose
to an idiotic song like this!

Let's see you dance like a little fawn...

Don't glare at me like that,
make me go all out...

How? How could the love, the emotions
of ten million be breached?

Who cares if you have ten million?

The urgency of those feelings, the ability to unify
all those souls... That's the important thing.

What you just showed me couldn't hold
a candle to the emotions of the humans

that Hero Kanon shouldered alone
two thousand years ago.

k*ll them.

k*ll them.

k*ll them.

What's that voice?

k*ll them.

k*ll the demons.

- k*ll the Demon King of Tyranny.
- k*ll the Demon King of Tyranny.

You guys! What's going on?

k*ll them.

Everybody, watch out!

This is a Brainwashing Spell!

Think of Sir Anos!

Anos, what was that?

You heard it, then?

It sounded like pure hatred.

Anos Voldigoad...

You're dangerous! I'm going to...

Step back, Misha.


Zeshia, don't unleash that spell.

It won't end well for you!

It's over now!

We'll show you what we Heroes are made of!



I never thought you'd go
for a source expl*si*n.

I told you not do to it.

My life's not so cheap
that you can exchange it for the future.


I thought I obliterated you,
source and all.


This is going nowhere!



Can you hear me?

Is that you, Eleonore?

Come to the shrine.


No one can stop Zeshia but me.

Misha, you heard that, right?

I'll keep this one at bay. Can you go?


What are you doing here?

You filthy demon... How insolent!

Come on out, Enhale!

I'll show you how deeply they resent you!
All the humans m*rder*d by you lot!

You're wrong.

Humans and demons fought
two thousand years ago!

Shut up!

Open, sacred gate!

Release yourself from that seal!

I won't forget!

I won't forget!

Even after a thousand years...

Even after two thousand years!

Y-You broke the rules.

This was no accident.

So what if it wasn't?

I was always planning
for you lot to die anyway.

To ensure that you can't be resurrected,
I'm going to annihilate you...

source and all...

You bastard!


Just lie still.

Now then, Diego...


What have you been up to?

I'm asking you, what have you done?

- Wha...
- If you have time to be dead, answer me.

What's this academy's true objective?

Your students' hostility toward demons
isn't what you'd expect for a mere class.

Was that voice yours?

A lowly demon has no right to know
what a Hero's exalted objective might be...

Are you still posing as a Hero?


What's this?

It's the Demonization Magic
I showed you before.

In the case of a human, his true nature
manifests in his appearance.

I'll never forgive you!
I'll never forgive you!

Jerga Kanon!

All of you, attack the demons!

No more hassle!

We're going to m*ssacre you!

Go, my Heroes who have no fear of death!

This is how Kanon would fight!

Damn demons! Now go to your doom!


Why won't it explode?

I stopped time throughout the entire lake
before Gavuel could go off.

You stopped time, did you say?

Damn you for mocking me...

A wounded source is more painful
than even death.

No human on earth could withstand it.

That is, except for Hero Kanon.

With his seven sources, no matter
how many times they were destroyed,

Kanon could always revive himself
if even one was still intact.

And he rose up against me over and over.

Can someone like you understand why?

He truly believed
that if it meant sacrificing another,

it would be better if he himself died.

His sources were ripped out of him,
burned, smashed... And yet...

he still fought for the sake of humans.

That's who your Hero is.

The great Hero who repulsed demons
time and again!

...give me. Please forgive me.
Please k*ll me now.

Please end this now!

You're not Hero Kanon.

Clueless human that you are...

Don't you dare assume his name!


Healing wounds from
exposure to sacred light...

isn't as easy as healing a stigma.

What was that light?

Thunder God Sword Evansmana.

I'm fine. I can walk now.

Just rest.

So, you came, Anos?


Who are you?

I am...

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