02x08 - The Knock-Off

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Catch". Aired: March 2016 to May 2017.*
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"The Catch" follows a female forensics accountant, who is the victim of fraud by her fiancé. She is determined to find him - between working on other cases - before it ruins her career.
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02x08 - The Knock-Off

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Catch"...

Before I met you, there
was a man in my life.

Ethan Ward.

What I would love more
than anything is...

could we just start again?

Ben is my fiancé.

Alice: Are you seeing anyone?

Her name's Gretchen.

Rhys: Who the bloody hell are you?

I'm Troy. I am the hard drive.

I look at it once, it's in here forever.

Troy: What if I could tell
you where your husband is?

- What?
- Special Agent Edgar Diaz.

According to the file
I saw at the Bureau,

Justine's husband was on assignment

to infiltrate some arms
dealers, code-named Argosy.

Justine: Turn around.


You think I've never been betrayed?

Her name was Felicity.

And who knows?

Maybe it's not too late
for you and Felicity.

No, i-it is.

I wasn't quite as forgiving as you.

[Silenced g*nsh*t]

[Knock on door]


I've come to cause a bit of trouble.

[The Broods' "Conscious" plays]

♪ I can hold my own
when I feel at home ♪

♪ I can be tender ♪

♪ I can be kind ♪

♪ When I'm on my feet ♪

♪ I can take the heat ♪

♪ But when I get low,
I prefer the cold ♪

♪ I can be a hard light to ignite ♪

♪ All my nightmares
feel like real life ♪

♪ Wake me up and keep me conscious ♪

♪ Wake me up and keep me conscious ♪

Up so early?

I thought we might enjoy a lazy morning.

I'd like to, but I have
business to attend do.

Of course you have.

Haven't you?

As a matter of fact,

what is your business these days?

I couldn't help but notice
that you're not on the rolls

for our India operations anymore.

Did my brother's plum
assignment go sideways?

You could say that.

Nothing to do with that scar, I hope.

It looks like a close call.

It was.

Tell me.

One of the men who had been in charge

apparently felt threatened
by my sudden advancement.

So he shot you? Who was it?

You have bigger things to worry about

than employee relations.

I heard what happened...

Your brother vanishing,
your mother in prison.

But then I heard you were in charge,

so I thought I'd come
back to the Firm and, uh...

offer my services.

And how do I know I can trust you?

You don't.

I'll have to earn it...


Mum, I'm starving. What time is...

Oh, God. Don't tell me you've picked now

to have a lesbian phase.

Felicity, this is my daughter, Tessa.

Val: They're here.

[Sighs] Good?

You're good.

Is she pretty?

He definitely has a type.

What does that mean?

Hey, guys.

Allie, I'd like you to meet my fiancée.

This is Gretchen.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Sorry. I'm a little nervous.
I've heard so much about you.

And I you.


I feel like I know you already.

So, how did you two meet?

At a fundraiser.

For a charity that Gretchen works with.

We provide meals and jobs
for L.A.'s homeless community.

I'm actually hoping to
hire people from the program

once we get up and running.

Gretchen is about to launch
a new fashion start-up.

Fashion? Really?

You should see her
designs. They're incredible.


What kind of clothing?

You know, elevated but wearable.

That sounds fun.

It is.

It's a-a fun, nonprofit,
social-impact brand

that empowers artisans
from Peru and Uganda.

And I just got an angel investor

who wants to give me the
next round of funding.

Problem is, he's an old
classmate of hers from Princeton.

Oh, from Princeton?

Yes, his name is Charles Bergman.

So, I need to be discreet
while vetting him.

Which is why I suggested AVI.

Is that the kind of thing that you do?

All the time.

Well, I don't want to impose,

but, you know, Ethan
thinks the world of you.

So, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind

looking into Charles for me.

Of course.

[Door closes]

Morning, Ben.

What the hell is he still doing here?

Uh, Benji, he has a name.

It's Troy.

And he's our guest.

He's a human hard drive

with a head full of government secrets.

The longer he's here,
the more danger we're in.

Agent Diaz, could you please tell him?

He can't leave now. We need him.

Yeah, Troy is instrumental
in Justine's plan

to lose her badge for the man

that tried to divorce her via e-mail.

My husband, Eddie,

is the FBI's last undercover
agent inside Argosy.

McLeland's group? The gunrunners?

Troy: Special Agent Edgar Diaz

was part of a failed
operation to capture McLeland.

When the FBI pulled their agents out,

Eddie stayed in.

Now it's just a matter of time

before they find out who he really is,

and I'd like to get him out
before they k*ll him.


Well, she's gonna have me
create a new identity for him,

and then we're gonna put him
on a plane and disappear him.

So, why do you need Troy?

Because after we extract Eddie,

we're going to use
the government secrets

inside Troy's brain to do
what the FBI couldn't do.

We're gonna take down
McLeland and Argosy.

- What?
- What?

Rhys: You know, just for once,

I'd like to get the headlines up front.

[Birds chirping]

Shouldn't you be leaving?

A good piece of tail
doesn't overstay her welcome.

Tessa. I'll leave you two alone.

Stay where you are, darling.
Finish your breakfast.

So, she's not a piece of tail.

Am I about to have another stepmummy?

Tessa, run along.

Felicity and I need to discuss a job

that she's going to be helping me with.


Can't I help with the job?

You're not old enough, I'm afraid.

Then why not Dad?

You two should work together more often.

Because as you well know,

your father no longer
works for the Firm.

And she does?



So, if you don't mind...


So, what's the job?

- [Door opens]
- It's a trade deal I've been eyeing.

I've recently acquired
a good bit of manpower

here in Los Angeles.

I have product coming into the port,

but no clientele to sell it to.

But you've found somebody who does.

Matthew Keegan.

He runs clubs and
restaurants in the city.

And he likes to supply his clients

with all the pills
and powders they need.

Then he must already have a supplier.

He did, but I got exclusive word

that he was looking for someone new.

No one else knows about it yet.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Well, it's never wise to
show up for these things

without a gift of some kind.

Keegan collects rare Scotch.

There's a bottle of it here in town.

Legend has it that a
soldier from the AEF Siberia

brought it back in

from the first whiskey
distillery in Japan.

It's worth over $ million.

That's quite an investment.

Alas, it's only available
by the $ , shot,

so it's currently sitting, unopened,

behind the bar of an illegal
gambling establishment.

You and I are going to steal it.

So, it's just the two of us?

Margot: Morning, ladies.

I have some business to attend to,

so I'm gonna leave Tessa here with you.

- What?
- What? You can't just leave her here.

Do I not pay you both an obscene
amount of money to be my security firm?

- Yes, but...
- So, secure her.

Our services do not include childcare.

They do if you're the stepmummy.

Hello, Stepmummy.

I have some security issues of my own,

so I'm gonna need
Danny and, um... Sophie.

There's a club.

It's a sort of
less-than-legal speakeasy.

It's called the Wolf's Den.

It contains a bar and
several gaming tables.

I need a full security
work-up on the place.

Also, uh, see if the tables
are rigged while you're at it.

I'm sorry. Are you asking
us to case the joint?

No. I'm sure that's not...

Well, as my security team,
that is your job, isn't it?

It's just that, if a crime were to occur

after we'd cased the joint,
we would be accessories.

[Chuckles] No crime will occur.


You know where to find me.

[Whispering] We are not doing this.

[Whispering] I...
I'll... I'll talk to her.

[Elevator bell dings]

I have two questions.

Where are you going?

And can I come with you?

♪ The room's dark, but I see ya ♪

♪ And there's not a huge
spot, but I feel ya ♪

♪ Hey, you doubt me
and what I'm missing ♪

♪ Can you doubt me and
maybe I'll listen? ♪

♪ You know me, you know
that I'm real good ♪

To cr*pple Argosy, we need to take
down its leader, Billy McLeland.

That's him, t-there with Eddie.

Hmm. Very handsome.

- Do you think?
- Thank you.

You're looking at six-month-old
surveillance photos

taken before the FBI bust.

Eddie's team arrested six
of McLeland's lieutenants.

But no McLeland.

Yeah, which is why Eddie
stayed undercover.

The bust sent McLeland
even deeper underground.

He held on to the weapons he
was selling to other countries

and has become an even bigger threat.

All the more reason you should
be working with the FBI on this

or at least calling Eddie and
telling him what you're doing.

I can't. He'll want to protect me.

He'll try to talk me out of it.

You mean like the way I'm about to?

I tried. She won't listen.

Well, I know she won't listen to me,

so I'm gonna be you for a sec...

Oh, role-play. Love it.

And list all the reasons
you shouldn't do this.

Number one... you're
violating procedure.

You're talking to me about procedure?

Yeah, but he's you at the moment, so...

You're stepping into

an ongoing investigation
without clearance,

which means you're risking
your job and our deal.

You're compromising the future
of everyone in this room.

You don't think we can do this.

[Inhales deeply] I never said that.

'Cause I'm about to be you
for a second and tell you that,

if Alice Vaughan were the
one trapped inside Argosy,

you'd be doing exactly
what I'm about to do.

[Elevator bell dings]

Are you gonna tell Alice and Val?

What, that you're dating a m*rder*r?

She is a m*rder*r, Daniel.

Or is the sex so good
that you can't see that?

Ugh. Don't answer that question.

It's not just about sex.

Oh, so you mean you have a deep,

spiritual connection to a m*rder*r?

You don't know her, okay?

And you do?

She's actually very complicated...

She's a client and a criminal.

You mean like Tommy Vaughan?

[Sighs] You know what?

Wait, are you gonna tell them or not?

If that's what you're worried about,

you're in worse trouble than I thought.

Sophie. Hey.

Alice: Guess which one of your
favorite -year-old super criminals

is in my office right now.

Uh-oh. How did that happen?

Apparently Margot has business,

so Val and I are babysitting.

I'm sorry, Allie. I'm on my way.

No, no. It's fine.

We're putting her to work.
I just wanted you to know.

[Birds chirping]

You guys still working on Ethan's case?

As a matter of fact, we're not.

That's good.

We are working for Ethan's fiancée.

- What?
- Uh-huh.

Her name is Gretchen.

Oh, my God. You hate her.

No. She's actually very nice.


She is smart

and very concerned about the
environment and... issues.

Well, you brought this on yourself.

How did I do that?

The whole point of
breaking up with someone

is so you never have
to see them again...

or their fiancées.

How would you feel if I was hanging out

with Margot all the time?

But you just spent an entire
day and night with her.

Because we suddenly share a child.

Who is approaching my office
with a look on her face.

I'll call you back.

Tessa and I just did a
search for Charles Bergman.

Gretchen's angel investor?

Tessa: Almost no online presence.

And I wouldn't want one, either,

if I owned a string of sweatshops.

Last year, two of his biggest factories

got hit with massive fines
for labor-law violations.

This guy should be in prison.

These are human-rights violations.

Which will not line up

with Gretchen's plan to save humanity.

One elevated-but-wearable
garment at a time.

Gretchen: I was in Peru
looking at fabrics...

[Chuckles] Well, looking
for inspiration, really.

Because who isn't inspired
by poverty-stricken villages

teeming with starving children?

I know. So humbling, right?

Anyway, a young woman named Lark

handed me this fabric, and it just...

It instantly brought me back
to my grandmother's kitchen.

Um, Gretchen.

Is there someplace
private that we could talk?


[Voice breaking] I knew
it was too good to be true.

I just knew it.

At least you found out before
the contracts were signed.

So none of this will reflect
badly on your business.

What business?

Without the money...

[Sighs] I'm sorry.

It was just that Ethan was
so proud, so... relieved

that I had my own thing, that
I could earn my own money.


Well, you will.

You're gonna get another investor.

I have people that I can
set you up with right now.

Alice, you don't have to do that.

No. I want to. I mean it.

Oh, thank you.


You're setting her up with investors?

Just Seth Hamilton.

You should have seen her
face. I k*lled her dream.

Her dream deserved to die.

Gretchen, it's Alice.

I think I do have a
potential investor for you.

[Laughs] That's amazing. You're amazing.

But... I just got the funding.

Wow. That was fast. How did...


After I told him what
happened, he stepped up.

He's putting up $ . million.

[Laughing] Can you believe it?

I can't.

I know. Me neither.

Oh, sorry. That's my other line.

Let's grab dinner soon.


I think that b*tch just played me.

Gretchen set us up.

- We don't know that.
- No, she definitely set you up.

She hired us to dig up
dirt on her angel investor,

which she then used to convince Ethan

to give her the money.

So, she knew about the sweatshops?

She must have. Look how easy
it was for Tessa to find them.

It wasn't easy.

I am warning Ethan.

No. Stop. You're not doing that.

I have to.

Do you not think your judgment

might be a little clouded
by your own experience?

These just arrived, Allie.

Wow! Thank you, Robin.

From Ben?


From Ethan.

"Thank you for being
such a good friend."

Well, now you have to call him.

You got the flowers?

That was very generous of you.

It is the least I could do.

And I heard the big news...
Your latest investment.

Gretchen told you.

She did.

Again... Very generous of you.

I know it's a lot,

but she's been working on
this project for a long time.

- How long?
- Um...

- Since before you met her, right?
- Yeah.

And how long was that?

Eight months. What are you asking?

Nothing. I just...

As someone who used to...

work with you, I'm...

You think she's after
me just for my money.

No. Not at all.

That's not what...

We already have a prenup, Allie,

which she insisted on, by the way.

She also just took
$ . million from you,

which is completely separate from that.

Yes, because I offered it.


should I not have called?

No. No, look. I'm glad you did.

And I appreciate you looking out for me.


He's actually glad I called.


And if you believe that,
then he just played you, too.

Argosy's internal
hierarchy is pretty simple.

And these are the major
players, from McLeland on down.

Somebody has earned himself a power bar.

Where do they get their automatics?

They're usually bought
or stolen secondhand.

And secondhand means second-rate.

What are you thinking?

To draw McLeland out, we've
got to offer him something

none of his other suppliers can...

A first-rate arsenal.

You want to give a gunrunner

top-notch weaponry we don't have?


Rhys, you still have your contact

from when you did business with Argosy?

Yeah. Uh, this guy here...

Ryan Gilbert.

I'll need you to
arrange an introduction.

You tell him you know a DoD official

who's looking to make some extra bank

by unloading military-grade
automatics and semi-automatics.

Well, of course you
haven't heard of him.

The man works for the
Department of Defense.

He has clearance at the highest
level and unlimited access.

All that I'll need to show
them is a sample of the goods...

Which you'll borrow
from the Bureau's armory.

Ben: AR- selective-fire r*fle,

designed specifically
for the U.S. Armed Forces.

Mark , short barrel

with modified bolt
carrier and gas block.

Military A- birdcage flash hider.

What about fouling?

Piston-operated. Fouling is minimized.

Pistons cause carrier tilt.

Not with manually modified variants.

Well, let's talk price.

- Two grand a pop...
- [Chuckles]

times of these from my
connect at Fort Riverside.

You're getting a deal.

At two grand a pop?

That's my price, or I walk.

All right. I walk.

Just wait.

I'm not authorized to
make a deal at that rate.

But... my boss is.

I'm happy to meet with him.

Only thing is, he's gonna want
all of the g*ns at the meet.

- Val: Allie.
- Incoming.

- Who the hell do you think that you are?
- Gretchen.

Did you think that he was gonna leave
me for you? Is that what you thought?


Could we have a moment, please?

Look, I think there's
been some misunderstanding.

So, you didn't tell Ethan

- that I was only after him for his money?
- I never said...

- I have an MBA from Columbia.
- I never meant to imply...

He loved you, and you left him.

Haven't you done enough damage?

Danny: We've scoped out the Wolf's Den,

and the house staff is all positioned

with a view of the gaming tables.

The cameras are focused on the players,

armed security at every door.

And the blackjack and
craps tables are set up

so the house controls the outcome.

Also, there's a roulette wheel.

It's actually the one game

that the house doesn't have to cheat.


You can go.

I'll take it from here.

Uh, um...

Was there anything else?

Are you sure there isn't
anything else that we can do?

Do you need backup on this or...



Actually, if you want to help...

find out everything you can
about this man's financials.

Matthew Keegan.

Ideally sooner rather than later.

[Door opens]

[Addie Hamilton's "La-La-La" plays]


♪ Everybody go ♪

♪ Everybody go ♪

Croupier: black.

♪ Everybody go la-la-la ♪

♪ Everybody go ♪

♪ Everybody go ♪

♪ Everybody go la-la-la ♪

♪ Gonna party like Mardi Gras ♪

I'll need to search your bag, ma'am.

♪ Singin' la-la-la ♪

Enjoy, ladies.

♪ Everybody go ♪

♪ Everybody go ♪

♪ Everybody go la-la-la ♪

♪ Button up shirt and tails ♪

The bottle is still unopened.

Well, $ , a shot is a
pretty steep asking price.

I suppose we'll have to win big then.

Give it some juice just to test it.

♪ Everybody go round and round ♪

♪ Get dizzy on the swingin' sound ♪

Let's take it for a spin.

♪ Till the lost get found ♪

♪ From New York to Panama ♪

Croupier: Place your
bets, ladies and gentlemen.

♪ Gonna party like Mardi Gras ♪

Red .

♪ Singin' la-la-la ♪

♪ Everybody go ♪

♪ Everybody go ♪

♪ Everybody go la-la-la ♪

Red .

I won. [Chuckles]

Black .

Black .

Red .

Red .

I'm a bit thirsty.

How about you get us a
shot of the good stuff?

I think that's a fine idea.

♪ La-la-la ♪

The Scotch, please.

♪ Everybody go ♪

♪ Everybody go la-la-la ♪

♪ Everybody go ♪

Black .

Croupier: black.


♪ La-la-la ♪

What the hell is that?
What are you trying to pull?

This ball is clearly defective.

She's cheating.

Everybody, calm down.

I swear I don't know what's happened.

Security, coming through.

Hey, what's the story here?

Nobody move.

[Crowd gasping]

Somebody's obviously been cheating,

but I assure you, it isn't me.

This isn't the house ball.
Someone switched them.

Search me if you like.

Oh, we're going to search
everyone at this table,

starting with you.

Man: She's clean, aside from the p*stol.

Hey, I think I got something over here.

What the hell is that?

Looks like the house
ball. He switched them.

- No, it wasn't me.
- That's it. You're out of here. Let's go.

- It was not me.
- I said let's go!

It was not me. I'm telling you!

I didn't do this!

Come on. Come on.

I'm afraid you and your companion

are also gonna have to leave.

Violation of house rules.

Let's go, ma'am.

[Crowd murmuring]

Margot: I told you
to bring your g*n.

You almost got us k*lled.

Just tell me I didn't
almost die for nothing.

Patron: What the hell is that?
What are you trying to pull?

She's cheating.

Man: Get out of the way! Security!
Everybody, calm down.

Oh, we're going to search
everyone at this table.

[Chuckles] Shame we can't have a taste.

Well, there are other
ways to celebrate.

Alice: It was horrible.

Gretchen was so angry.

And she had every right to be.

I'm so sorry, babe.

Don't be sorry for me. I'm
the bad guy in this story.

No, you're not.

I am.

How is that?

Because before you met me,

you gave everybody
you met, including me,

the benefit of the doubt.

And now everybody you
meet is a con artist.

Most people really are only
interested in themselves.

As a con artist,

I used to think that was always true...

until I met you.

You changed me.

Or at least made me want to change.

And you were right.

I shouldn't have gotten
involved with Ethan.


I just hope I haven't
ruined his life again.


you made his day.

He put that woman in
front of you for a reason.

Yeah, so that I could see how
much better she is than me.

First of all, she's not.

And second of all, yes, exactly.

He wants to know you still care.

Well, I don't.

You don't believe me.

[Chuckle ] What can I do to convince you?

Well, you take requests?

- Uh-huh.
- Yeah?


What are you doing here?

Working... on the Gretchen case.

There is no Gretchen case. We're done.

So you don't care that she's a fraud.

I don't know that she's a fraud.

I do. Look.

I know you don't like her clothes...

Oh, that's just it. They're
not her clothes.

This flowy little number?

Remember how it came to
her in a Peruvian dream?


It was Liz Dennis' dream,
Summer Collection .

And this one... Sandra Drew.

They're all somebody else's.

When did you take these?

When she was crying on your shoulder,

I was investigating.

[Camera shutter clicking]

I thought that's what
you were paying me to do.

- Unpaid intern.
- We'll discuss it.

So, these are all knock-offs?

Or they're straight off the rack

and she's replacing the tags.

But if she's lying about this,
what else is she lying about?

I kind of want to hug you right now.

Oh, I think you should resist that urge.

Tessa: This woman's
business is a total sham.

Alice: What about the
people we saw working there?

Could they have been plants?

Not according to Gretchen's tax records.

They're real employees.

What about the showroom? Does
that building belong to Ethan?

No, Gretchen's name is on the lease.

She was shipping things.

I mean, if her designs are fake,

why risk exposure by selling
the dresses to the public?

Unless... Zoom in on
the shipping labels.

Oh, my God.

They're all going to the same address.

Clay Street in Santa Monica.

The owner is listed as Joel Hanson.

Joel Hanson.

[Keyboard keys clacking]

Oh, my God.

Joel Hanson...

is her angel investor Charles Bergman.

They were in on it together.

But Charles Bergman was real.
You found the sweatshops.

But there were no
photos online, remember?

Which they used to their advantage.

She even had me fooled... briefly.

She must be destroyed.

We have to tell Ethan.

I already told him once.

Whatever I tell him now,
he's not gonna believe me.

Going to see Margot?

I'm going to deliver
the intel on Keegan.

You could just as easily
e-mail that to her.

- Sophie...
- Or give it to me. I'll deliver it.

Why do you care?

Why don't you? She's just using you.

Well, maybe I'm using her, too.

Yeah, well, the difference is,

you're the one who's gonna end up dead.

[Cellphone rings]

Tessa: Are you calling
to check up on me?

I am. How was AVI yesterday?

I'm at AVI today, as well.
Did Alice not tell you?

Oh, but then she's, uh...
she's off with Ethan, isn't she?

Is she? And where are they today?

She wouldn't say, and she
wouldn't let me tag along,

but I'm sure it's all innocent,

probably nothing to worry about.

I hear what you're doing,
and it's not gonna work.

I have no idea what you mean.

You're making trouble.

If there's trouble, I'm
not the one making it.

Your mother and I are
not getting back together.

I love Alice.

And Ethan is about to get married.

Not anymore, he's not,

not if Alice has
anything to say about it.

What does that mean?

I'd tell you,

but I wouldn't want to make trouble.

Oi! You two, enough.

Eddie, your wife has something
she would like to tell you.

[Sighs] So... you know
how we've been trying

toet you away from Argosy,

trying to get you out of the country.

- Well, we're not gonna do that anymore.
- Why not?

Because I think we found
a way to get to McLeland

and take Argosy down.

So you guys can be together.

I can't make any promises, but...

I knew you wouldn't leave this alone.


Now I'm gonna have to do to
you what I did to McLeland.

You k*lled McLeland?

And now you're in charge of Argosy.

[Car door opens]

We couldn't meet at your office?

No. Sorry.

Are you at least gonna tell
me what we're doing here then?

I will.

But first I'm gonna
tell you how I met Ben.


Val and I were working a case.

There was this man
that we called Mister X

who was stealing our clients' money

and using our intel to do it.

And we couldn't figure out how.


I was engaged to a man
named Christopher Hall.

Who turned out to be Mister X.

Who turned out to be Benjamin Jones.

Your Benjamin Jones?

Is a con artist.

Was a con artist.

Why are you telling me this?

Because if somebody had tried
to tell me Ben was using me,

I wouldn't have believed them.

I had to see it for myself.

Wait. Wait. Is that, uh...

Charles Bergman...
Gretchen's angel investor.

His real name is Joel Hanson.

He's Gretchen's husband.


[Exhales sharply]

Gretchen: Don't even... Not a word.

You're gonna be so happy. [Laughs]

This, Mr. Keegan, is merely a sample

of the kind of indulgences
with which I can supply you

and your establishments.

I am also prepared to
come in at % below

your previous arrangements
for the first year

in a further gesture of goodwill.

And that is very generous of you...

What's it gonna take, Mr. Keegan?

I already made a deal with someone else.

You and I had an understanding.

Yes, I know, but I...

No one else was to
know you were looking.

And I told no one.

But this guy knew.

Did you tell anyone?

Matthew Keegan.

What's his name, your new supplier?

I don't know who this guy is, okay?

All I know is he goes
by some code name...


So, what's our next move?

We can get the police involved.

We can certainly get your money back.

But it's up to you if
you want to press charges.

Did you... press charges against Ben?

I didn't.

Right, because...

My story's a little different.


What are the odds of both of
us being taken by con artists?

I mean, is that really what's out there?

We're targets, you and me.

You are an extremely wealthy man.

My job is to protect
people like you, so...

And you did.

You did protect me.

I was gonna marry her, Allie.

Eh, I couldn't let you do that.


So... I want to put you on retainer

to work for me, exclusively.


I need someone to protect me full time,

someone I can trust.

I'll be paying you a fortune, of course.

All you need to do is say yes.


Justin: You've reached Justine Diaz.

Please leave a message.

I don't know where you are,

but I am in play and going in now.

You guys better be in position.

Troy: Ben has no idea
we're hostages up here.

He thinks we're here as backup.

He's gonna die out there.

And we're gonna die in here.

Mr. Hunt. This is my boss.

Andy Hunt, Department of Defense.

Mr. Hunt.

I told you, Eddie was a bad guy.

Maybe now's not the
time for "I told you so."

Maybe Eddie's just pretending to be bad.

No. He's... He's stopped pretending.

Maybe it's time I stopped, as well.

What does that mean?

It means...

I've been on best behavior
for you, for the FBI,

hoping to convince you
that I'm not a bad guy...


But I am.

[Silenced g*nshots]

I am a bad guy.

[Exhales sharply] Come on.

We can't leave Benji
out there on his own.

He's not on his own.

Eddie: All right, enough
small talk, Mr. Hunt.

Let's see what you brought us.

Happy to oblige.

Hands up!

Don't move!


Baby, listen to me.
Justine, I can explai...

I'm so glad I'm the one
that gets to do this.

Oh, by the way...

we're getting divorced.

[Handcuffs click]

Do you think she's all right?

Would you be?

Of course... but then again,

I don't care about anyone or anything.




No, thank you.

They're expecting me at the Bureau.

Will you have to see Eddie?

Not if I can help it.

So, what happens to Eddie now?

If there is any justice in the world,

he will die of old age in prison.

Remind me not to piss you off.

I do, constantly.

And what happens to me?

Eddie's in custody,

Argosy is gone,

so you're free to go.

However, if you feel

like putting that hard drive
in your head to good use,

I will happily recommend
you to the Bureau.

I'll see you boys later.

Rhys: Justine.

Are you all right?

[Door opens, closes]

Well, gentlemen, it's been fun...

and life-threatening, as usual.


You take care of yourself.

[Door opens, closes]

I don't know what to do.

Well, you're a free man

with a flawless memory
and a body to match,

so anything you'd
like, I should imagine.

Can I stay with you?


- As much as I would enjoy that...
- Why not?

Because bad things happen
to people who stay with me.

Hey, call Justine.

You already look like a superhero.

Now go and be one.

You're a good man, Rhys Griffiths.

Ooh, enough of that. Bad for the brand.

[Door opens, closes]

[Elevator bell dings]



Ben: Where is everybody?

In there.

What's going on in there?

Whatever it is,

it's been going on a long time.

Hey. You didn't have to pick her up.

I could have driven her home.

I figured I'd save you the trip.

All right. You kids chat.

I'll be downstairs...


[Clears throat]

So... it turns out Ethan's fiancée

is not who she claimed to be.

- [Elevator bell dings]
- I am sorry to hear that...

for so many reasons.

Stop. We're just working together.

But I will call you when we are done.

Done with what? I thought
you solved the case.

I did...

which is when Ethan offered
to put us on retainer

exclusively. Exclusively?

So you'd only be working for Ethan.

I know what you're gonna say.

- Allie...
- It's a lot of money.

You see what he's doing, right?

Yes, I do.

He is hiring me because
I am very good at my job.

He's trying to own you,
just like he did before.

Okay. We're done talking about this.

How can you not see that?

How can you have such little
faith in my intelligence?

- This has nothing to do with you.
- And my judgment?

This is all him.

This is a business decision,

and I will take your
opinion under advisement.

Allie. You should go.

I'm going back to my client.

[Doorbell rings]

Where is she?

What are you talking about?


You sent her to me, she
told you about Keegan,

and then you swooped in and made a deal.


You are working with her. Just admit it.


Is something funny?

Darling, listen to me.

I k*lled Felicity.

What, today?

No. Months ago.

- No. It's impossible.
- Well, I'm not proud of it, but...

I just had sex with her.

She's alive.

Ethan: Ben.

Hey, I thought you took off.

I came back to talk to you, actually.


Yeah, Alice told me about your offer.

Oh. Well, she hasn't
said yes yet, but...

Do me a favor.

Find another private
investigation and security firm.

Why would I do that?

You should give Alice more credit.

She knows what she's doing.

She's smart. She's strong.

She deserves better, don't you think?

You mean better than me.

Alice will make up her own mind.

There's nothing you can do about it.

- You don't think?
- No.

No, because you're a criminal.

And the second that you
try and do anything to me,

she will see that
that's all that you are.

And she will leave you.

It's good talking with you, Ben.

I'm sure I'll see you around.

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