02x01 - Separate Tides

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Owl House". Aired January 10, 2020 - present.*
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Animated series follows Luz who stumbles upon a portal to a magical realm where she befriends a rebellious witch, Eda, Luz pursues her dream of becoming a witch.
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02x01 - Separate Tides

Post by bunniefuu »

- [monster laughs]
- [gasps]

Foolish child. Leave this place before
you meet your demise.

Do not underestimate me,

For I am the good witch, Luz,
hunter of monsters.

Now eat this, sucker...
Uh... what?


- You're Garlog?
- [babbles]


This is pathetic.

[deep voice] Small I may be
but you will soon know fear

when I lay waste
to all that you...

King, drop it now.
Drop it now!

- [mumbles]
- Drop it! No!

I'm not gonna play
right now! King!

[title music]

[wind howling]

- [babbles]
- Boop.

Holá, Mama.
You haven't heard from me in a while.

It's been a week and a half
since the petrification ceremony.

A week and and half since I...
[chuckles] ...destroyed the portal home.

I had to. Emperor Belos
was going to k*ll Eda

if I didn't hand it over.

But I couldn't let him use it,

so I blew it up
with some magic fire.

She's not gonna understand
any of this.

That's okay, Luz.
Just keep moving forward.

This world is filled with inexplicable
magical wonders, like this portal key.

I don't know if it contains magic
but I'm gonna study all I can,

and find a way back to you.

A-And look,
I have friends to help me.

I'm never letting you go!
You're never returning to the human realm!

- He doesn't mean that.
- [laughs] Yes, I do!

[Luz] This is Eda the Owl Lady,

the most powerful witch
on the Boiling Isles.

Or at least she was

until her curse overpowered her
and weakened her magic.

She's doing her best now.

Eda was cursed by her
own sister, Lilith.

And she spent her entire life
looking for a way to undo it.

It's still hard for everyone
to trust each other,

but maybe with time
we can all become friends.

- Hello!
- [screams]

[Luz] Even though Eda
gets frustrated,

she's found new ways to make up
for her lost powers.

Check it, Luz.
A new hunting w*apon.

I will call her the s*ab-Catcher.

[Luz] Without the portal,
Eda has no human garbage to sell.

So we've resorted
to working odd jobs to keep food on the table.

Hey, King, did you know
that apple is a hat?


[Luz] Hey, no! King!

[Luz] This week
we're bounty hunters.

Next week we could be anything.

So, Mom,
please don't be scared.

I'm growing more
and more every day,

and I'm gonna do my best
to become a full-fledged witch,

and get home
to you safe and sound.

Te quiero, Mama.
Te lo prometo, regresar a casa pronto.

[Eda] Luz...

time to bring these bad boys
to market.

[grunts] Eda, do you own anything
that isn't covered in feathers?

I had to deal with
a curse for years,

so I think you can handle
a few feathers.


Wow, the Emperor
is really taking over.

I see it too, Luz.

And I'm trying
to stay civil.

[both grunt]

Tsk. Your payment.

A single snail?
Are you kidding me?

Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't done yet.

You can't do this to me.
Do you know who I am?

Yeah, you're Eda the Owl Lady.
What are you gonna do?

We all know
you're powerless now.


- Ah! What the...
- [all] Ooh.

Ah, this is awkward.

I don't need your pity.

I was the most wanted criminal
for years. You should fear me.

- [man ] No magic?
- [man ] Not so wanted anymore.

Don't worry, sister.

At least my image still
commands respect and fear.

You're a traitor.

What's going on? This is anarchy.
Who told you to do this?

The Golden Guard?
Did you know him in the Coven, Lilith?

Unfortunately, I did.

He always got special treatment

because he was
the genius teen prodigy.

But he's really just a brat.
If he's in charge... vomit.

[mumbling, groans]

Hey, I know.

What we need
is a confidence boost.

Why don't we take on
the biggest bounty we can find?

It'll be great.


Lost Cerberus, no.

Witch cackling lessons...
[chuckles] Uh, but maybe not today.

Aha! There's something
called a "Selkidomus"

ravaging boats
up and down the coast.

We'll be on a high-seas adventure.

Hmm... no.

We gotta keep a low profile
while my powers are weakened.

And we need fast cash.

How about this guy?

"The Abominable Cutie Pie"?

No, no, no. I hear
it's very dangerous.

And look, there he is.

[pants, grunts]


You'll never catch me.


You did it. You caught me.

- [groans]
- [Eda sighs]

Things aren't looking great,

This bounty hunting stuff
isn't putting food on the table.


Oh, I'm sure Luz could
handle bigger bounties,

but if we wanna eat
we don't have the luxury to mess up even once.


No apple blood.

I spent the money
on griffin eggs for Luz.

There's not a lot
she can digest here

so I make sure
to have her favorites around.

[inhales sharply]
That's rough, buddy.


This is awful.

Eda wouldn't be
in this situation

if it weren't for me.

Maybe it would be better
if I never came here.

I can't change the past,
but I can still change the future.

I'm gonna help Eda
and prove that I'm more than just a burden.

The Selkidomus hunt.
I want in.

[ship horn blowing]

You think you can handle
this, squirt?

I can handle anything.

- Hey, Lily!
- [screams]

How do I look?

Getting scammed at the market

was such a bummer,
but it gave me an idea

on how to earn
a little more cash.

You wanna come?
I may not be at full power,

but I can still
make potions.

- I am quite fine. Thank you.
- Aight.

Have fun wallowing
in self-pity and feeling bad for cursing me.


[grunts, sighs]
I guess I deserve this.

There's got to be a way
to make it up to her.

Edalyn isn't the only Clawthorne
with a talent for potions.


I bet she would love
a peek inside the castle.

New roomie check-in.

How's my bestie doing?
A scrying potion?

[gasps] Lulu, you're trying
to spy on your old buddies?

I can help.
We can find out their crushes.

We can give them
cute couple names.

No! I can do this alone.
Don't follow me!

And don't call me Lulu!

A good friend
would respect her wishes,

but a better friend
would help no matter what.

When we defeat the Selkidomus
and get a boatload of snails,

Eda won't have to worry
about money for a long time.

- King want a cr*cker.
- [Salty] All hands!

All right, crew.
The Selkidomus has been ravaging the coastline.

It was last seen
in the Simmering Shoals.

You know the drill,
"Snag the quarry, get the money galore-y."

We all do the work,
we all get a cut.

[all cheering]

I have many debts.

Till then,
keep everything shipshape.

This ain't no pleasure cruise.

Don't be a burden, sea squirt.

Oh, you don't have
to worry about me.



[ship horn blowing]


- [shivers, grunts]
- [Salty] Well, ye had me confront my own biases

and I got nothing
but respect for ya now, squirt.

I mean, sailor.

Thanks, Salty.
You make me feel like a real part of the crew.

that's because you are.

- [laughs]
- [all cheering]


Hey, that's mine,
you feather duster!

[all scream]


Oof. Hey,
King want a cr*cker.



[munches, gulps]

Is that the Emperor's sigil?

This ship belongs
to the Emperor?

Oh, boy. I gotta tell Luz.

you won't have the chance.


Okay, next is firebee honey.



[screams, whimpers]

How can I get firebee honey
without ice magic,

or porcuspine quills
without a sleeping spell?

Who am I without magic,
without a Coven?

- [Hooty] Without friends?
- Hmm?

I said...

You don't know how
to get those firebees,

but I can help.

I don't want your help.
I told you not to follow me!

- If I were you, I would...
- You would what?

Because it doesn't matter.
You aren't me.

You're just some kind
of weird bird-worm.

You have no idea
what I'm going through.

I have to do this alone,

because if I can't...
what kind of witch am I?

Sorry, Lulu.
I mean, sorry, Lilith.

Now, let's try
this one more time.

We're here.
The Simmering Shoals.

Eyes peeled, mates.

She's close.

- [all grunt]
- She's here.



Help her, boys!

- Put your backs into it.
- [all straining]


I did it!


[groans, whines]

Is that a... a ghost pirate?

The money! We're being robbed!


Show that specter what for, Luz.

[screams, grunts]

[both gasp]
The money!

[chuckles] Hey.

Why are you robbing our ship?
And what happened to your legs?

It's called disguising
your tracks.

Now why were you on
that ship to begin with?

You could've gotten k*lled.

That can still be arranged.

Hello, criminals.

What's about to happen
should be relatively painless,

if you just do what I say.

And why would we do that?

Because none of you
can use real magic.

- You don't know that.
- Maybe not,

but I do know that you're standing
on a plant that eats flesh.

[both scream, grunt]
Ow, ow.


The human will remain a sailor
to repay all the money she lost,

while the Owl Lady
will be arrested again

for attacking one of
the Emperor's ships.

Emperor's ship?
They're the only ones worth robbing.

Why are you guys hunting
the Selkidomus?

It's a peaceful creature
and you're provoking it.

The Emperor ordered me to slay one.
I'm just following orders.

Well, I'm just gonna
smack you around a bit.


Leave Eda alone!


How about...

I leave you dangling above
the Boiling Sea?

Around these parts justthe steam is enough
to cause third-degree burns.

But I don't have
to be that mean.

No one will have to be a sailor
or get arrested

if one of you follows those Selkidomus tracks
and slays the beast.

Here, I'll help.


You're making this difficult.

Go or I drown the bird.


Ah, it's dark now.


I'll do it.

Luz, wait!

- [Selkidomus growls]
- [Eda] Luz!


I am not one
to be trifled with, bees.

I am a witch... unhinged!


No, no, no, no, no!

I can't do this alone.

I need help!


I'm here for you, Lulu.

No witch is an island.

Now face my wrath!

[thudding noises]


Luz, don't hurt
the Selkidomus.

We can find another way
out of this.

You heard what he said,

If you and King
want to be free...

...then I have to do this alone.

What's this "alone" business?

Don't you remember?
Us weirdos have to...

What? Stick together?
Because you stuck with me you lost your magic.

You almost got turned to stone,
and now you can't even afford your apple blood

because you're worried
about what I need to eat.

[Selkidomus growls]

It's my fault
all this happened.

That's why I've got
to do this alone.

I'll make it all up to you, Eda the Owl Lady.
I promise.





All right, let's do this.



[Luz grunts]

You think throwing
your life away is gonna help me?

Well, it won't.

You helped me find King's crown
when you barely knew me.

You saved me
from turning to stone

and you even got me talking
to my sister again.

So, unfortunately for you
my life is pretty great,

because I'm friends
with Luz, the human.

- [whimpers]
- Now, your guilt-ridden brain is clouding your judgment.

There's gotta be
a way out of this

where no one
has to get hurt.


[gasps] Eda, do you want
to learn your first glyph?




You're actually weirdly endearing.

[King] No, I'm not.

[Eda, Luz screaming, grunting]
[Selkidomus roars]

Oh, that thing smells awful.

Why are you touching it
with your hands? Gross.

You're gross.
Now give me King.

he smells pretty bad too.

Take him.

Thank you for your service.
You can find your own way home.

And try to stay
out of trouble.

The Emperor is not
a merciful man.


[blows raspberry]

My first glyph.
Did I do good?

Yeah, you did great.



Baby... aw!

Wait, what is that?
Don't worry, King.

Once the mother saw
we weren't a threat to her baby, she calmed down.

This area is dangerous.
You need to move further out into the sea.



Hot dang!
It gave you the treasure of the sea.

Gold? Tuna?
It's selkigris.

Ah, people pay big money
for it at the Night Market.

Ah, feel that money, Luz.
No, Eda!

[grunting] Stop!
Luxuriate in it.

What? You don't like
to luxuriate?

There's a whole pile
of luxury right here.

No, no, no, no, no.

- Move over.
- [Luz grunts]

Eda! [laughs]

I'm sorry for sending
you away before.

It's hard for me
to ask for help.

It's okay. I'm sorry
for being all nosy-nosy.

But hey, Lulu, every friendship comes
with its ups and downs.

Right, best friend?

I'm not commenting
on that, Hootsifer.

- [gasps] A nickname?
- [laughs] Hoot.

The scrying potion, it's ready.

We're home.

Eda, come here.
I have a gift for you.

To prove that I'm trustworthy,

I'm giving you a peek
inside the Emperor's castle.


What are we supposed
to do with this?

Whatever you want.
Don't you see?

These troops don't know
what to do with themselves.

So go crazy.
Pull whatever pranks your heart desires.

They're clueless
without me.

Oh, Lily, you couldn't
have been more right.

And that Golden Guard...
what a chump.

Oh, I'm in a good mood.
Who wants to get takeout and draw faces on Hooty?

- Yay! [pants] Me, me, me!
- I do! Yeah! I'm in.

I'll protect you, Hootsifer.

[Eda] All right,
what do we wanna eat?

- [Luz] Anything but seafood.
- [King] Crackers.

We're not ordering crackers.

- [Hooty] Bees!
- [Lilith] I'm fine with whatever.

[Lilith] Things are starting
to feel right again.

Knock, knock, human.
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