05x07 - Wine Dark Sea

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Prison Break". Aired: August 2005 to May 2017.*
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Brothers Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows continue to evade the law.
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05x07 - Wine Dark Sea

Post by bunniefuu »

Don't you have a job or something?

Yeah, on a freelance cargo ship.

We go to Hong Kong, Spain, Buenos Aires, basically wherever the boss tells us.

Corrupt son of a bitch.

We've awoken something, something people are trying to hide about Michael.

Who the hell is this Poseidon guy?

A psychopath.

A frustrated policy wonk in the CIA who created a cell within the CIA called 21-Void.

And they needed my help breaking out people in prison all over the world.

Before he was k*lled, Kellerman had been looking into 21-Void.

I need you to look into the possibility that there was an insider involved.

I wasn't expecting a call at this hour.

I think we need to meet soon.

I was looking for where the man went.

What man, baby?

The man that gave me this.


What are you into?

Just tell us where you're headed.

300 miles across the desert, Phaeacia.

Autonomous zone. No ISIL.

I can lead you there.

Phaeacia, we found it!

Back in the city, I told you you would die.


He poisoned me.

It's incredible how good you've gotten at drawing, Mike.

Really, that's... that's so good.

It's a Greek hero.

He looks hurt.

They all get hurt sooner or later.

That's what's great about Greek heroes, they're real, not supermen.

They get hurt.

They can die.

Hey, I'm sorry, buddy, last little bit.

I got to keep it clean, you know?

It's looking much better though, okay?

You're doing good. You just hang in there, buddy.

How we doing?

Got something.

Our friend over there has a boat.

He's making a smuggling run to Greece.

He says he can take your brother to a first world doctor.

First world thinks he's Kaniel Outis.

They'll arrest him on sight.


What's the alternative, let him die?

What kind of a brother are you?

You say something like that again, I swear to God, I'll k*ll you.

There might be a third option.

So how was your first day back?

I have to say, it's never been so rewarding to teach game theory to the tops of a bunch of 18-year-olds' heads while they're busy sexting each other.



But... normalcy's threatening to come back, and I say cheers to that.

Cheers to that.

Come on, let's sit outside.

I'll be right there.


We found Michael.

Is he our Michael?

Yes, Sara.

Sara, listen, he's been poisoned.

We think it's antifreeze.

He's lost a lot of blood.

He needs a lot of blood.


He needs a lot of things if it's antifreeze.

Listen, uh, we're heading to Greece.

Is there any way we can get some medical help off the books?

No, no, no, no, no, this isn't the kind of thing that you want to do off the books.

Listen, Lincoln, he's gonna need a transfusion.

Michael's B negative, okay?

It's maybe one percent of the population with that blood type.

You won't find it where you're going, and he won't make it while you look.

Unless it comes to you.

I'll call you back.

Hey, what's going on?

I, uh...

I got to go.

You got to go?

Go where?

To Crete.

Michael, um, they found him.

He's alive.

He's poisoned.

Michael? Your ex, Michael?


Wait, hold on a second, he really is alive?

He contacted you just now?

Yeah, and, uh, and he needs help, and I think I'm the only one that can help him.

Um... yeah, I can get there faster on a plane than they can on a boat.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Sara?

Y-You don't owe him that.

Y-You don't know what you'd be walking into, it's not safe.

I'll be fine. I don't have a choice.


This has been a hell of a week.

Okay, look, I know you've got a million questions, just like I do, okay?

I can't look my son in the eye and tell him that I let his father die when I could've tried to save him, A father he's never met.

I can't do that.

And if I told you not to go?

"If's" a big word in that sentence.

Jacob, are you telling me not to go?


No, of course not.


Should've left her out of this, Linc.

Shut up. You're about to see the wife you haven't seen in seven years.

I got you, I got you. Cast off.

You're ready.

What do you mean?

Been locked up for longer than I can remember.

Before Ogygia, it was my apartment, my head and my phone.

Walls all around me.

Couldn't see the world.

I like it here.

No walls.

Freedom, like I haven't had in a long time.

I can start over.

And unless you say you need me, I'd like to stay.

You're a free man, Ja.

The choice is yours.

I owe you my life.

You gave me back the world.

Get him healthy. Get safe.

Yeah, I will.

See you.

Hey, hey, hey.

I got to know, you really got Freddie Mercury's ashes?

Is it true Keith Richard snorted his dead father's ashes?

I don't know.


Keep alive.

You too, man.

Linc, how far is it to Greece?

12 hours.

Sara's gonna be there in 12.

I don't think I have 12 hours in me.

I was right, we got problems.

Apparently, State Department is asking questions about 21-Void after our visit to NSA yesterday.

They have no viable information.

21-Void doesn't exist.

Poseidon will clean house.

The problem's not going away.

That State Department agent wants to meet as soon as we land.

Chania, please?

Thank you.

It is safe here.

I use when I come.

You got any food for him?

Come, it's in the boat.

Great, thank you.

Keep his spirits up.

All right, man.

Oh, man.

Got to hang in there, buddy, huh?

Still got a lot of things to tell me, you know?

You gonna tell me why I'm your whip hand.


I got a lot invested in you.

You can't die on me now, Michael, you know?

Called you Michael.

The first... first time I ever really known your name, even though I feel like...

I feel like we've been brothers since we met, you know?

You know, with... With Linc here...

it was the first time I ever felt like an outsider with you.

You know, like...

Like I lost... part of my family or something.

So, you see, Michael, you can't die.




I missed you.

I'm gonna fix you up.

And then we'll talk, okay?

I'm gonna make you okay.


Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, it's okay.

Hey, Lincoln, uh, would you pass me that coatrack?

Could I grab the chair, please? Yeah.


We'll do a transfusion.

I'm O negative.

It's the universal donor.

Turns out it's the only other blood type I could've given him.

Maybe there's something to destiny, huh?

Is he gonna live?


Yeah, he'll live.

Give him a couple hours.

He's strong.

We'll, uh... we'll give you a minute.


I'm right here.

I'm right here.

We need to work out a way to get off this island.

What I said... um, about you...

I was wrong.

A man would be lucky to have a brother cares as much as you, you know?

Wife like that... family.

I wouldn't call it luck.

You've been through what we've been through.

You're family now.

I'll drink to that.


Flying's really out of the question?


Airports are worse than hospitals.

And once the name Kaniel Outis is radioactive, they'll sh**t him on sight.

So another boat?

Across the Atlantic?

Mm, I'm no sailor, but I know that no boat in that harbor is gonna get us that far.

We need a big boat.

One that doesn't mind a radioactive cargo, you know?

Hey there, I wanted to follow up on our conversation.

Obviously, the CIA and State, we've been sharing information on Kaniel Outis, but my question for you is:

Outis k*lled Abu Ramal, did the country a service.

So why were you still at NSA yesterday, trying to k*ll him?

Why don't we get off the tarmac?

We'll share what we can about our investigation.

This is all just bureaucratic miscommunication.

We can iron it out.

So you know, we checked with CIA.

The CIA didn't sanction your visit to NSA yesterday.

No one even knew you were there.

Who are you working for, really?

And why were you trying to take out Kaniel Outis?

Never thought I'd see this face again.

You weren't supposed to.


I'll tell you everything you want to know.

But first, I need something from you.


A picture of my son.

We weren't at NSA yesterday.

I'm telling you, this is a mistake.

And it's a mistake to lie to me.

I can have you prosecuted.

I have a contact at the NSA and she gave me proof.

You're not calling him Junior, are you?

I promised you I would never do that.

He's an amazing kid.

He's just like you.

What's wrong?

It's him.

Your husband.



Jacob is Poseidon.

I knew it. I wasn't crazy.

I caught him lying, but he-he...

Oh, God, he covered it so well.

He was... honest and hurt, and I bought it.

Who is he?


He's a CIA operative, deep cover.

He runs a splinter cell called 21-Void.

What does this have to do with you?

He targeted me for my skills, blackmailed me.

He told me if I didn't agree to come work for him, he'd go after you and Linc, put you both in jail.

And then he proved it to me.

He said I could never see either one of you again.

Or Mike.

Made me fake my death.

And then he just used me.

He married me.

If I'd known he was your husband, I swear...

No, no, no, no, no, this is not on you.


Why now? Why did you come back now?

The origami...

Four years ago, he betrayed me and now I know why.

He wanted me out of the way... so he could have you.

How did he betray you?

He set a meeting.

We were supposed to discuss my next assignment.

What he didn't tell me was that we were meeting a man named Harlan Gaines, a deputy director of the CIA.

Gaines was investigating 21-Void.

Looking for the traitor behind it.

That's when I knew my work wasn't sanctioned by the CIA.

Poseidon shot and k*lled Gaines that night, to stop the investigation.

He told me to move the body, make it look like it never happened.

I've seen the photos of that part, they're damning.

He chose images that showed me moving Gaines' body, eliminated the ones that incriminated himself.

I knew I was being set up.

He was tightening his control over me, but there was nothing I could do.

At least, that's what he thought.

When I knew Poseidon had gone rogue and was operating outside the CIA, that's when I started my plan to get back to you.

You're not.

Some other man has your...

Your face, your past, your whole life.

Sara, there is a plan to make this right, to protect our family.

Michael, he's with our son right now.

He's with Mike.

I, uh, look, I have to go.


Hey, Noah, you gonna build us a boat?

Nope. I'm gonna do one better.

Who you calling?

A friend who actually has a boat.


Sucre, it's me.

Linc? I thought the Middle East was gonna swallow you up, man.

Where's Michael? Did you find him?

Listen, that's why I'm calling.

We're on the island of Crete.

We need a low profile ride back to the States.

I would love to help, but we're on the other side of the world, brother.

We just dropped a load in Morocco.

What are you talking about? Morocco's near Crete.

Yeah, I know, of course it is, but what I mean is it's not my ship.

Yeah, but what would it cost to hitch a ride?

You can't hitch a ride.

You have to rent the whole ship.

The boss charges 50K a leg, Linc.

You want to get back to the States, it's 50K.


We're just trying to get home.

You know we don't have that kind of cash.

You do now.

Here, this was my grandmother's.

It's an heirloom worth at least that.

I can't think of a better use for it.

Thank you.

We got it, Sucre. Get to Crete.

He's not gonna hurt Mike, not unless he suspects you know who he really is.

If you remove his mask, he'll lash out.

You know him better than I do.

That's the point, no one knows him.

So, what do I do?

You play his game. You wear your own mask.

As soon as you get a chance to get away with Mike, you take it, disappear.

I'll get to the States as soon as I can.

I'll find you.

You're looking better.

A little grayer, but better.

I have an amazing doctor on call.

I will wear the mask.

I will play his game... and if he hurts our son I'll k*ll him.

I can't...

Please come back to us.

She's leaving Crete alone, which means she left Outis behind, and he'll try to follow, return to the U.S. in the next day or two.

Who called?

Only be by ship or plane, so plaster his face on all maritime and air channels, focusing on all vessels departing from Crete in the next 48 hours.

He's got to be on one.

He can't make it back inside the country. Jacob?

Was that Mommy?

Yes. Mommy's on her way home.

Michael Scofield.

My man, you got more lives than anyone.

Think I might've used them all up.

A damn phoenix.

I can't believe it.

I want to hear every damn thing that's happened to you since you died.

Papi, you're alive?

The skipper is a corrupt bastard.

Don't mess with him. He's got g*ns in the hold, all kinds of contraband. Captain.

Here's the cargo I was telling you about.

Pay up.

Where's the 50K?


I said cash.

It's a sapphire, six carats, flawless, surrounded by 2.5 carats of bezeled diamonds.

Street value is 125K.

You can pawn it for half that and still make a profit.

If it's fake, you go under the sea.

A boat is the last place I expected to find you, buddy.

I thought you hated the water.

Yeah, you remember, but I got a record.

Not a lot of employers lined up to take a chance on me.

Besides, this ship provides opportunities for my side business... which is the real reason I'm on this boat.

This baby... houses my entire life savings.

I'm telling you, it's gonna be huge.

I'm a few months away from putting all this behind me.

If you guys are lucky, I'll let you guys take one of my ladies for a spin.


What, sex dolls?

No, have some class, man.

The term is inflatables, high quality, expensive, very lifelike.


Hey, honey.

Hey, you.



Where's Mike?


Kid had a big day.


Most important, though, how's Michael?

Were you able to help him?

I mean, he was barely alive when I got there.

He, uh, slept most of the time.

I-I did what I could for him. I, uh...

I stabilized him, but he's changed.

He, uh... he's just not the guy I knew.

So, they dropped me at the airport and that was that.


Linc and some other guy.


Where's Mike?

You said that he was asleep. He is... at a friend's house, a sleepover.

Okay. Which friend?

He's at Patrick's house.

What happened to your grandmother's ring?

I'm such an idiot.

I took it off on the way over for safekeeping, 'cause I didn't want it to get stolen, then when I looked for it on the way back it was gone.

Screamed so loud they nearly threw me off the flight.



We spoke to our man at the Pentagon.

A naval alert just went out.

Kaniel Outis has been located on a cargo ship in the Mediterranean.

It was reported by the ship's captain.

What's the navy gonna do about it?

The nearest LCS combat craft is moving to engage.

SEAL team's been deployed.


To seek and destroy Kaniel Outis.


We've done our job getting the message out.

Now it's time for the SEALs to do theirs.

My God.

You've been through hell, my friend.

Have some faith, papi.

Thanks, papi.

What about you, Linc?

I think Linc's got a secret girlfriend, the pilot lady.

She's not my lady.

Maybe Sucre will set you up with one of his sex dolls.

They're not dolls, man.

Oh, sorry, inflatables.

Look, let's just change the subject, please.

You know, might be something to be said for settling down.

Right, well... that's not in the cards.

It's locked from the outside.

They made you.

You really are a wanted t*rror1st.

What did the hell did you think he was saying?

I thought it was an analogy.

Oh, for God's sake.

There's no other way out of this cabin.

All crew to the top deck. All hands up.

Comply or be fired on.

This ship is now under the control of the U.S. Navy.

Prepared to be boarded.

We got company.

I say we jump.

That's a long way down.

It's the only way out.

It's too far.

I have an idea... but it's gonna hurt.


Hey, Heather, it's me. Listen, I can't talk, but I need you to go pick up Mike right now, okay?

Do you know where Patrick Monroe lives?



Listen, I'll explain later.

Don't bring him back here, okay?

Keep him with you. I'll be over as soon as I can.

Can you do that for me?

Uh, yeah. Uh, I'll leave right now.

I-I-Is everything okay?



Six. The rest with me.


One, two, three, four.

Go, go.

I'll go left, you right.

They went out the window!

They went out the window!

What do you see?

No visual.

Alpha One, Alpha Two to port side, now.

Copy that.


Take... Take it off!

What's your name?


Fernando Sucre.

I'm a member of this crew. Check the roster, man.

I got no part in any of this.

Check the roster for Fernando Sucre.

Suspect seems to check out.

Take him to the bridge.

Yes, sir.

Let's move.

Absolutely no one gets off this ship, understand?


I don't know any Kaniel Outis.

The guy's name is Scofield.

Haven't seen him in years.

He calls me, he says he needs a ride.

We got active pursuit on engine deck.

Watch him.

The guy's name is Scofield!

That's the door Sucre told us about.

There they are!

Freeze! Freeze!

Look alive, look alive!

We've got them bottled up.

Guys, come on! Hurry!


It's stuck!

Come on! It's stuck!

It's stuck!

Smoke them out, go!

Tear gas.

That hits the ventilation, it's gonna ruin my cargo.

You've always been a loser, Sucre.

Worst shipmate I ever hired.

You brought this scum on board my ship.

They're your friends. Where are they going?

They're associates of associates.

I haven't seen them in years.

But that's a good point.

Why don't you tell the nice SEAL here how you accepted payment for their passage?

Maybe they're your friends, not mine.

Okay, okay.

I heard them say something about container 17.


That container 17.

The one with your super secret cargo, huh?

Weapons and munitions?

Vincent, tangos may be arming themselves.

Man, they're not gonna like you if they find that, are they?


You might just end up on the t*rror1st watch list, too.

Vincent, do you copy?

Can't read you.

Good-for-nothing Mexican. You planned this.

Stay here.

17's still sealed.


I'm Puerto Rican.

12:00. You hear that?

Come on!

Go, go. Move!

What's going on?

The ship's changing course.

I did it, papi.

No going back now.

See what their next move is.

Do you remember our honeymoon?

Yeah, of course.

How you opened up.

Told me you carried shame for what you did at Fox River.

How some days you wished you'd never heard the name Michael Scofield.

Even admitted to lying, keeping it all from me.

How you finally came clean and put it all behind you?


I forgave you for the lies.

Your past.

Accepted you.

Loved you and Mike.

How is that not enough for you?



I have him.

Thank God.

He's fine.

Headed home now.

Hi, Mom.

Oh, Heather, thank God.

I'll be there soon.

Navigation's been trashed, the controls damaged.

Damn it.

Tramp's off course.

Moving toward Algerian waters, top speed.

Can we fix it?

It'll take time.

And by then we'd be out of international waters.

Falcon One requesting orders.

We have a situation.


The SEAL team failed to neutralize Outis.

Somehow the ship's controls were damaged.

It's headed for Algerian waters with our soldiers on boards, but it'll cause a diplomatic incident if they stay to finish the job.

The navy just made the call to pull the team.

All right, all right.

The SEALs couldn't do it. We escalate our move.

Shouldn't have brought a knife to a gunfight.

I will handle from here.

Thank you.



I have an ask, one that's imperative.

I believe you'll find that our interests are aligned.

What are they doing?

They're leaving.



Oh, God. No, no, no, no!


You're gonna want this.

Mike is safe where you can't touch him, and this is over.

The life, the lies, the mask.

You're gonna tell me everything.

Like who you really are, what this was, all of it.

It was our life.

It's not over, Sara.

Not even close.

And Mike was never in danger.

I love him.

He is my family.

I raised him.

What have you done?


It's what you've done, Sara.

All of this could've been avoided.

Good sleepover?


Is Mommy coming to pick me up?

Yes, sir.

Michael's dead.

Your Nightingale trip to Greece led me straight to him.

So... it's all on you, Sara.

And your plan with Heather didn't work.

Where's my son?

I have him.

And whether or not I have to thr*aten him...

Which I don't want to do...

Is entirely contingent upon you putting the g*n down.
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