05x06 - Quarantine + N95 + Landline + Telescope + Social Distance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "MacGyver". Aired: September 2016 to present.*
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"MacGyver" centers around Angus "Mac" MacGyver, who creates a secret U.S. government organization where he uses his extraordinary talents for problem solving and his extensive knowledge of science to save lives. A reboot of the 1985–1992 ABC series of the same name.
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05x06 - Quarantine + N95 + Landline + Telescope + Social Distance

Post by bunniefuu »



All right, closer.

- Closer.

Got to get closer.

- Mac, what's the rule?


No back-seat driving during car chases.

Mm-hmm, that's right.

I drive, and you build things out of other things.

MACGYVER: Are you saying this is my fault?

I didn't say that.

No, but the tone of your voice kind of did.

Get me out of here!

I do not like this.

This is not fun.

Do you hear me?!

Okay, team, what's the plan?

All right, so, I need to...

find first, then puncture the hydraulic hose that's feeding fluid to that claw, which should leak pressure slowly enough that...

Desi, that gives you time to grab Taylor.

And I mean, man...

Garbage trucks are such impressive feats of engineering.

Now is not the time!

Dude, really?

Somebody do something!


I just...

Fluid mechanics get me hyped.

- Riley, take the wheel.

- Okay, got it.


- Ready?

- Yep.


TAYLOR: Careful, Desi!

He has a g*n!


Come on, Mac!


All right, here we go!

He's gonna need a hand in a second.

This will not be my epitaph!







Am I a bit whiffy?

I've got a friend flying in to town for the weekend.

Can't pick her up from LAX smelling like last week's underpants.


- Oh, little friend, huh?

Just for the weekend?

(SINGSONGY): Oh, Taylor's got a booty call.

Yes, that's very Victor Mature of all of you.

Sofia is not a booty call.


a dear friend who happens to be the Countess of Herrington, actually, actually.

- Ooh.

- Anyway, whiffy or not?

Yeah, you smell great.



MACGYVER: This is great.

You know what I mean?

No more Codex, just normal bad guys from here on out.

- Mm.

- I can feel it.

is gonna be awesome.

♪♪ MACGYVER: I still remember my grandpa teaching me that if you look at the stars from the southern hemisphere,

- the constellations are upside down. - _

I mean, come on.

Six-year-old MacGyver mind blown.

Everything is a matter of perspective.


BOZER: It's here!

RILEY: Don't get my hopes up, Bozer.

You said the same thing yesterday.



Toilet paper!

- _ - Oh, my gosh, you finally got toilet paper?

- Hey, hey, hands off!

You know the protocol.

Everything coming into this house gets wiped down and UV sterilized.

Don't you do it.

And then it sits for hours.

Yes, sir, COVID Sheriff, sir.

Very funny.

MACGYVER: ♪ Sing his name till I'm hoarse ♪

♪ He'll never call it quits ♪


♪ Something endorse... ♪


I don't know... maybe a golf course.

You know, I don't understand why everybody's so stressed out about toilet paper...


when there are many adequate alternatives all around us, like newspaper or leaves, pine needles.

Uh, scratchy, unsanitary.

And hard pass on the pine needles, Mac.

Here's an idea.

Use cardboard from your moving boxes and get them out of our way.

Two birds, one stone.

- Um, unpacking is bad quarantine juju, Bozer.


Living out of boxes signals to the universe that any day now this stay-at-home order is gonna be lifted, and I can finally move into my new place.

MACGYVER: ♪ He has honorary doctorates ♪

♪ And I will sing his name till I'm hoarse ♪

♪ Leading the White House ♪

- ♪ Coronavirus Task Force ♪

- BOZER: Um, guys.

♪ Fauci ♪

♪ Fauci, in Tony we trust... ♪


House meeting, ten minutes.

Think back to three weeks ago, before the chore wheel was implemented.

Does anybody want to go back to the way things were?

- No.

- Absolutely not.

Then why, Mac, didn't you do the dishes last night after dinner?

I thought it was Riley's turn.

I've seen you do advanced quantum physics in your head while dodging b*ll*ts.


- Pull it together!



- ♪ I don't mind you comin' here ♪ - _

- ♪ And wastin' all my time ♪ - _

♪ 'Cause when you're standin' oh so near ♪

♪ I kinda lose my mind. ♪



- Yes, that was the one.

That was the Grammy.

- Fabulous.

- Oh.


Oh, you are sweaty.

- Oh, yes, I see what you're doing, hmm?


Trying to get me in the shower again, huh?

Just like that time in...

Oh, where was it?

- Was it, uh, Djibouti?



Your governor's extended the stay-at-home order two weeks.

That means all the flights to Europe

- will remain grounded.

- Mm.

I could rent a place, get out of your hair.

- Sure.

- It's been a month.

I mean, this place is, um...

It is closer to the museum.

I mean, in case you... you know, your talk gets...

- gets rescheduled.

- Mm.

So I could stay a tad longer?

Wouldn't want to, uh,

- break up the band, would you?




♪♪ DESI: And the rest of the time, I'm patrolling the house trying to stop my parents from escaping to go to the grocery store.

Has anyone heard from Taylor?

I wouldn't be surprised if he and his new friend haven't k*lled each other yet.


So, Matty, any ops on the old horizon?

We've been over this.

I don't want to deploy you on an op until I know it's safe...

(CUTTING OUT): ... situations you're coming...



Please do something about your Internet.

Hey, there's no way I'm letting anyone inside my house right now, Boze.

And besides, I found the most perfect spot where I can get on to my neighbor's Wi-Fi.

How's this?

Ooh, yes, Matty.

Stay right there.

Don't move.

Now, if you guys will excuse us, Ms. Nguyen and I have some things to discuss in private.

I still haven't found the right motor to compress the soda bottle ventilator bag.

And the parts need to be cheap and readily accessible all over the world, or it's a useless design which hospitals can't build.

Well, you'll figure it out.

You always do.

So, hey, did you, um, get the sourdough starter kit that I sent...

with the note?

I did, and I accept your very...

very detailed apology for everything that happened between us while we were fighting Codex.

So, are we, um, back together, or... ?

What is the rush to define our relationship?

It's not like we can go on an actual date or be in the same actual room.



Well, I mean, deciding to quarantine with your parents gave you a really good excuse to avoid the conversation, too.

I am home because someone spray-painted "Kung Flu" on my parents' house, so I have to be here to take care of them while my brother's busy saving lives at the hospital and lives in our guest room behind a plastic sheet.

Sorry, Des.


That's awful, and I...


I don't know why I said it.


- Yeah, well, so...

_ Mac, I got to go.

They're trying to make a run for it again.


I can hear you whispering.

I'm an Army Ranger, remember?


I don't want to talk about it.

I didn't say anything.

I got a new place, and I was moving out.

Quarantine got in the way.

But that doesn't change anything.

Except you were moving out so you didn't have to watch Mac and Desi together.

And at this moment, doesn't seem like they are.



AUTOMATED VOICE: Your call has been forwarded to an a*t*matic voice message system.


- Hey, Mom, Dad.

Must be asleep already.

Just checking in to see how Mom is doing.

Love you.






♪♪ Yup, that's Mr.

Krengel's house.

He's the grumpy old guy who always grills me like I've done something wrong.

But why were you spying on him?

BOZER: I wasn't spying.

I was using the telescope, and happened to see Krengel violently attack someone with a fireplace poker.

And doesn't he live with his wife?


So, marriage wasn't built for quarantine.

Four weeks, locked up under one roof...

that could drive anyone to the edge.

Bozer, first you said the virus was a man-made bioweapon, and now you think our neighbor m*rder*d his wife?

If nothing's going on, why are all their curtains suddenly closed?

'Cause there's a creep spying on them - with a high-powered telescope.

- Who?

Well, the Krengels don't have any smart devices connected to their router, so I don't have eyes or ears anywhere in the house.

Except for a couple pockets of web traffic here and there.


Hang on a second.

What are you talking about?

- What?

- Well, minutes ago, he ordered ten pounds of lawn lime, a hacksaw and a shovel.

Overnight delivery.

He's gonna chop her up into little pieces and dispose of the body.

Or he's using quarantine to catch up on yardwork like everybody else is.

Come on, Mac, you have to admit that's shady.

I swear this isn't like the other stuff.

I know what I saw.

I mean, the only other option we have is to just...

keep being here.

Lenny Krengel's delivery is scheduled for tomorrow morning.

That's our cover.

First Riley will stage a Rollerblading

- accident in front of the delivery van.


- Hey, are you okay?

- While the driver's helping Riley, I'll swipe the package.

BOZER: Once Mac is in position to breach the perimeter, I'll approach the residence posing as the delivery driver


- and distract the suspect, buying Mac the time he needs to sneak into the house and find the victim's body.

The moment you do, give the signal and I'll take Krengel down.


- Hey!

All right, what's the signal?

"Target acquired".

Well, why wouldn't the signal just be "I found the body"?

That's just boring.


That's the spirit.

♪ Fauci. ♪



♪ One-two, one-two ♪

♪ M to the A to the S to the K ♪

♪ Put the mask on your face just to make your next day... ♪

Double-O-Boze approaching. Riley, keep doing your thing.

Mac, wait for my signal.

- ♪ I walk the street and camouflage my identity ♪


♪ My posse in Brooklyn wear the mask... ♪

LENNY: Stuff we don't even remember ordering showing up at all hours of the day.


You, you live up the block with Dennis the Menace,

- always knocking out my power.

- That's me.

I'm delivering packages now; got to stay busy.

So, uh, how are you folks holding up in there?

Never better.

Well, looks like I might be delivering a new TV next.

Oh, that thing's been on the fritz for years.

Finally Lenny decided to fix it, but he got frustrated and bashed it to bits instead.

Let me know if you need any...

Mac, Riley, stand down... she's alive.

Study the family homes you're all stuck at.

What do you see?

Your grandma's china?

School photos hung on the wall?

Each of these artifacts tells us a piece of your story.

It is the archaeologist's job to use these pieces to chronicle our past, like solving a puzzle.


- Oh!

- Bugger.

- Russ!

Some of us actually have to work for a living.

I'm so sorry, we're experiencing some technical difficulties.

Look, I can fix this, I can, um, well, I can, I can get someone in to fix it.

You are a dead man.

En garde.

I had no idea you were so skilled with a...

an edged w*apon.

I'm skilled with a lot of things you don't know about.

Is this something that's taught to all young ladies of nobility?

Keep people off their land, out of their houses?

Something like that.

Where did you pick it up?

Oh, it's just a hobby really.

One never knows when one might need

- a sharp pointy thingy!

- Ooh!


Oh, my goodness!


I am so sorry.

Oh, never mind.

It'll be fine.

Look, it just needs a...

you know, just...


- Ooh!

- Just a tiny bit of duct tape

- and you'd never even notice it.

- Duct tape.

You don't care about your artwork.

You have the most uncomfortable sofa with cushions that still have the tags on.

And when I went down to make eggs for breakfast this morning, I couldn't even find a whisk.

Yes, well, a fork works just fine.

If this were the site of an ancient dwelling, I'd conclude that you'd never spent any time here at all.


- So what do you do when you're not meeting me in Rome or Zurich or Mozambique?

Mozambique, that was it.

And with whom?


Look, it's no mystery.

I travel a lot for work.

But I'm here.


With you.

And there's no place I'd rather be.

Hey, Boze, please tell me you're not still spying on them.

Something's up, Mac.


Krengel didn't look like a guy just taking his frustrations out on a TV.

And Mrs.

Krengel was screaming.

She sounded fine this morning.

It doesn't make sense.


Look, I know it's been a rough couple of weeks for everybody, but are you all right?

My mom's sick.

Fever, trouble breathing.

All the symptoms.

She got tested the other day, but the labs are backlogged.

So, yeah, if I'm cleaning too much or if I'm being nosy with the neighbors, it's because I can't do a damn thing about it and if I just sit around here waiting, I'll go crazy.

- Why didn't you say anything?

- Why would I?!

Oh, you mean because that's the kind of thing friends talk about?

But, I mean, when's the last time you and I hung out one-on-one?


Ever since Codex and Desi, you've been completely MIA.

I mean, you didn't even realize I was struggling until I accused the neighbor of m*rder.



Bozer, what are you trying to say?

I'm saying you haven't acted like my friend in a very long time.



Hey, let me help you out with these dishes.

- I got it.



Or I don't.

Bozer's mom is sick.


You knew?

Yeah, I knew.

His parents practically raised me after my dad left.

I just can't believe I missed something so big.


This virus sucks.

Yeah, it does.

A lot.

Which is why I think we have to forgive each other for not being our best selves right now.

Even Angus MacGyver.


Thanks, Riles.


I'm just glad we got to spend this time together before I moved out.

I would've been so lonely by myself.



Me, too.

And I'm also glad.

I'm gonna...

go for a jog.


WOMAN: Thank you!

You're amazing!


Thank you!


WOMAN: Yeah!

You are everything!




What the... ?

♪♪ What the hell are you doing here?


I was just on a, a jog and, and I heard somebody in trouble, so I figured, given what's going on out there, I should check on my neighbors, but...

look, that's it.

Please don't hurt me.

I promise you we don't know him.

He-He's just a nosy kid.


If any of you move, I sh**t her.


What's going on over there?

Give me an update.

Well, what am I supposed to do with this kid?

Hey, hey, don't do that.

We can't make trouble.

I understand that you are scared, but I'm gonna have you guys safe very soon.


it's not us we're worried about.

- What does that mean?

- His partner's holding our son James.

They say, if we try to escape, they'll k*ll him.




You've reached Angus MacGyver.

Sorry I missed your call.

It's still going to voice mail.

Something's wrong...

I can feel it.

Mac wouldn't just take off for the first time in a month without saying anything.

There's plenty of coverage of the neighborhood, but nothing showing where Mac went after his jog.

How did he seem to you last night before he left?


- I don't know.

♪♪ Russ?

There is such a thing as too big a house, you know.


♪♪ - What are you doing?



I, uh, I came looking for you and...

I found this fascinating puzzle instead... what is it?

Yes, well, now you've found me...out you go.

- Oh, sorry...

- Out!

I didn't mean to overstep.

Yes, you did, because you're a snooper.

You're always snooping.


You're seriously not gonna tell me what all this is?

We've been living together for over a month, and I haven't learned a single new thing about you.

Now this.

Who are you, Russ?

Who am I?


I'm the chap who wakes up every morning and asks himself in rapture, "What wonderful things will I accomplish today?" Salvador Dalí said that... also a fabulous chap.

You know, most people probably don't notice, because you are constantly talking, but you really are very good at not revealing anything about yourself.

It must be exhausting for you.

And I don't know anything about you, either, and it's been absolutely hunky-dory all these years.

And now here you are, suddenly changing the rules, expecting me to hop to it, when we both know that this little tryst of ours was never meant to last more than two days at a time, was it?

- No, I suppose not.

- No.

- What are you doing?

- Putting you...

on a jet home.


- There you are.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

I'll make my own arrangements.

Is there any reason why somebody would have a problem with your son?

(QUIETLY): Uh, like, does he owe anybody money?

Oh, no, no, nothing like that.

I told you, James has a family and he runs a professional cleaning business.

Yeah, we just give them what they want, and then they'll let us go, and...

- his partner will let James go.

- Yeah.

Did one of you order that package?

- No.

- No.

Then I'm sorry, but...

that man has plans to k*ll you both and dispose of your bodies.


Which likely means the same for your son.

What do we do?

MALLORY: His partner calls at the top of every hour to check in.

So if we wait until right after the next phone call to overpower him, it'll give us enough time to get help for James without anybody noticing.

MACGYVER: minutes it is.




He went back to the Krengels.


Check that same angle two nights ago.

When you thought you saw Krengel attacking someone.

I told you.

I told you something shady was going on!

But you were all like, "Bozer, stop being so paranoid".

His name is Shane Steckler.

Works as a bouncer at the Crawl Club...

a laundering front for the Santos Grises Motorcycle Club, until he was laid off after the shutdown.

Come on.


You guys have...

lived here a long time.

LENNY: We got married the day I came back from Vietnam in one piece.

That was, uh... .

, Lenny.


Although no one in this neighborhood accepted a couple like us with open arms at the time either.

The only real friends we had here were your grandparents.

- You knew my grandparents?

- Mm-hmm.

Oh, yeah.

They'd-they'd have us over for dinner on their back deck.


- The world must've been far less complicated back then.


I've been walking this old earth for years, and it seems that...

it's been a mess the entire time.

But I guess in the end it's what you make of it...

who you make it with.


LENNY: Who's that?

My friends.


They can't do anything before the next phone call.

- MACGYVER: You're right.

- _ LENNY: What are you doing?

The phone is broken.


Just because it's broken doesn't mean it isn't useful.


Oh, Riley!

It's Morse code.

W. A.

- I. T. "Wait".

- For what?

I think Mac wants us to.


- SHANE: Yeah?

No, it's all good.

Okay, just...

let me know.


- BOZER: Mac!



hey, man, you were right,

- I've been a real jerk lately.

- BOZER: Look, it's okay, all right?

Something about all of this tells me we should sidebar that till later.


Riley, can you check the last incoming call on this phone when you get a chance?

His partners are holding their son hostage.



Hey, Krengels.

- Hello.

- Hi.

BOZER: Matty?


Uh, so, we kind of need you to send locals to pick up a suspect.

- And maybe get a tac team suited up.

- RILEY: All right.

Well, the call came in from a burner phone, so no I.D.

GPS puts them at a Anaheim shopping center minutes away.

Wai-Wait a second.

Your-your son has a cleaning company...

do they do malls?

Ever since COVID, they've done just about everything.

You were the leverage.

His partners are using your son's cleaning crew as a disguise, so that they can ransack an empty mall.


And then they're gonna k*ll him.

MATTY: CCTV of James Krengel being forced into the trunk of a sedan confirms that he was abducted the same day that Shane Steckler took your neighbors hostage.

TAYLOR: For the last two days, while the Krengels were being held, his coconspirator used his son's cleaning crew as cover to rob a spree of high-value storefronts.

Businesses want to disinfect during shutdown, so these guys have access to all the merchandise.

And with the stay-at-home order in effect, nobody would have noticed the Krengels missing for weeks.

The robbers still don't know that Steckler's out of the game, but...

the second they make another check-in call...

That window closes.

MATTY: Which means you only have minutes to rendezvous with Desi at the mall and extract James Krengel and his crew.

You wanted a mission.

I did want a mission.

- RILEY: Well...

- Yes, you did.


if you send the, uh, the helicopter now, then I can be with the team in an hour.

And do what, Russ?

In an hour, this will all be over, one way or another.

Well, then I can go to, um, Phoenix and prep the debrief.

You messed things up with your "friend", didn't you?

(LAUGHS): What?

What are you... ?

Russel Taylor, listen to me carefully.

Any woman that could stand being shacked up with you for days, in my book, is a saint.

So whatever dumb thing you did, I suggest you go fix it right now, or you're gonna die alone in that big house of yours.




Pretty sure I just broke the land-speed record on an L.A. freeway.


Only part of quarantine I could actually get used to.

- Uh...

- Like...

- You know what?

- There.

RILEY: Guys, check it out...

security cameras show cleaners spread throughout the mall.

But in those suits and masks, how do we tell the robbers from the legitimate cleaners?

Neutralize first, ask questions later.

And remember, let's keep it quiet.

We don't want to alert the robbers before we're ready...

they could hurt James.







- Okay.


- Well, you look frightened.

Those are all members of Krengel's crew.

Clock's ticking.

You need to split up and cover more ground.


Guess I found the lookout.


I can't hit my parents, but I can hit you.



What store are they hitting?

I don't know.

Well, this WAM hammer thinks you do.

The jewelry store.

Was that so hard?

Good friend of mine told me I was acting like a bit of an ass.

She was right.

Don't want you to go.

The research you found in my room...

... was very, um, personal to me, very private.

When the Spanish conquistadors invaded Peru in the s, they plundered the Incan treasure and melted it into various daggers, axes, spears...

Then, during World w*r II, the treasure was stolen by the Nazis.

I know the story.

What does that have to do with you being such a w*nk*r?

Never knew my father.

My mother spent most of her time trying to make ends meet, and I was practically raised by my Peruvian grandfather, who spent...


well, most of his time filling my head with fantastical tales about Atahuallpa and the lost Incan treasure.

We fantasized about finding it one day and all the things that we would buy.

All the ways it would change our lives and...

pull us out of poverty.


As in Spearhead Operations.

You named your company after your grandpa's story.

The quest for wealth became a complete and utter obsession.

(CHUCKLES): Look, I'm no good at this, no good at all this airing and sharing all the...

skeletons in my closet, but...

I would like to try...


With you.

Ah, check out the tall guy.

RILEY: Looks like we found our robbers.

BOZER: Not all of them.

Look at that guy in the back corner.

MACGYVER: It's the Krengels's son.

Ten minutes on the clock.

All right.

How do we approach with this guy at the front keeping watch?

Hey, Bozer, how do you feel about helping me make an invisibility cloak?

How is that even a question?


Come on, let's go.

You're a good man, Russ.



BOZER: All right.

MACGYVER: Bozer, you're gonna use this video camera to capture this background image.

Out of sight, obviously.

Riley, you're gonna project the background onto itself and, using this iris diaphragm, adjust the image until it aligns perfectly so that...

when the feed hits this sheet that Desi and I are wearing, we'll disappear.




♪♪ ♪♪

James, we're here to help, okay?

No time to explain,

- but we got to move.

- No.

- They'll k*ll my parents.



Your parents are... your parents are okay.

Lenny and Mallory Krengel.

They got married the day after your dad got back from Vietnam.

They got their house in, uh, uh, ' or ' , depending on which one you ask.

- Do you believe me?

- Yes.

- Yes.

- Okay.

When you're released, I need you to stand up and slowly move the cart towards the exit.



Look, Shane ain't picking up, man.




Where are you going?

- Run!

- Who the hell are these guys?


MACGYVER: Des, let's go!

♪♪ MACGYVER: All right, we got to find a way to get out of here.


BOZER: Mac, can you hot-wire this thing?

Uh, honestly, the truth is, it'd be easier to find the keys.

Anything built after

- is pretty much im...

- He's right.


- Cars are just computers on wheels.

Let's go.

BOZER: Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!


No, no, no.

You were supposed to turn back there.

- Left.

- What is the rule, Mac?

Wouldn't have to backseat drive if you would just pay attention.

Come on, this way.



Bikes were an option?

MACGYVER: Hey, whoa-whoa, an exit right there.

You see that?

Okay, all right, you got it, all right, all right.



In the air!

Hands up!

Stay where you are!

You're all under arrest.

♪♪ I can't fathom what part of "stay-at-home" in the stay-at-home order you three had so much trouble understanding.

But the bottom line is that the Krengels are safe and these criminal lowlifes are in cuffs, so, well done.

Pays to be a nosy neighbor.

Don't push it, Boze.

I'm putting you straight back on quarantine for at least two weeks.

No exceptions.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

- tac team leader...

- RILEY: Whoa, whoa.

- ...

I got a bone to pick.

- Where you going?


I'll allow it.

Well, I guess this is goodbye again for a while.

Yeah, I guess.

This virus sucks.

- Yeah.

- But, hey, um...

you were right.

I was kind of avoiding talking to you.

No, this is my fault.

I was being impatient.

If being kidnapped with an old married couple has taught me anything, it's that good things are worth waiting for.

So take as much time as you need to figure out what you want.

I'll be here.

I almost wish I could, uh, kiss you right now.


Did you talk to him?

No, but I'm glad I didn't.

I mean, look at 'em.

I'm not getting in the way of that.

Oh, yes!

Toilet paper time!

At last.

So long, suckers.

Later, fellas.


Hey, Boze, listen.

You were right, and I'm sorry.

I've been a bad friend.

I was so focused on all the things that I had lost, like my dad and Gwen and...

and Desi, that I...


I neglected the family that was right in front of me.

I appreciate that.

Hey, look, man, whatever happens with your mom's test results, you're not gonna go through it alone.

Thanks, Mac.


You got it.

Now please finish cleaning the kitchen.

- I knew you were gonna say that.

I'm on it.


Oh, one last thing.

Okay, so, in the kitchen here a couple nights ago with Riley, there was a, uh...

I don't know, a moment.

What kind of moment?


It was nothing.


Quarantine cabin fever's getting to me.


♪ I wish that I could change the weather ♪

♪ Just to see your smiling face... ♪

MACGYVER: When the world feels like it's so turned upside down that it's impossible to fix, it helps to look at things from a different angle. Because no matter how broken something appears, whether it's your grumpy neighbor, your terrified best friend, your estranged girlfriend, or a shard of glass, that broken thing could inspire something new, like a soda bottle ventilator.

Maybe even something better than before.

It's all a matter of perspective.

♪ When you're at the end ♪

♪ Of your rope ♪

♪ I'll hold you ♪

♪ Darlin', don't lose hope ♪

MACGYVER: ... some site about Fauci on the cover of Time magazine.

What was the name of the website?

- Cheese.org.


Well, good.

You know, just, just checking.

- Cheers to that.

- Yeah, cheers to that.

RILEY: ♪ Fauci ♪

ALL: ♪ Fauci, in Tony we trust. ♪


♪ I'm gonna see you through this... ♪


Oh, hey, look.

♪ You're stronger than you think you are... ♪


Thank you!

Hey, look, it's the Krengels!

Hey, Lenny!
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