01x08 - Molecule Kid

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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01x08 - Molecule Kid

Post by bunniefuu »

Sam: Tilty-whirly-thingy?

Clint: Nope.

Sam: Log flume?

Clint: Nuh-uh.[/i]

Seriously? You're gonna stand here on our one day off, Knocking down milk bottles for stuffed animals?

You spend your day at the carnival your way, and I'll spend it my way. [grunts]

Gammi bear?


Well, meet me back here when you're ready to hurl.

Man, I should've brought the Hulk.



He's back.

Who's back?

Molecule Man.

Molecule Man?

Clint: Last time Molecule Man came to town, he almost left with it too.


His wand could change any kind of molecule into any other kind of molecule.


[straining] Huh?


Clint: Not exactly a good power for a good guy either.

But, thanks to my expert shot, we didn't have to worry about the wand falling into anyone's hands.

[metal clinking]

Great shot. Thanks for keeping me from being able to dissect the invention of the century.


We gotta tell Tony.

This goes no further than us. We bring him in.

Rust head won't like that. We do this my way.


We do it my way. Fury's orders.

Our mission is to secure the tech, tech Fury thought was destroyed, tech Fury thinks would be far too dangerous in the hands of an inventor with Stark's curiosity.

All I'm saying is, Tony's gonna be peeved when he finds out.

Sam: Oh, widow.

It was you up here. Cool. When Tony finds out what?

A different Tony...

She said Tony must not owe me for our last poker game...

Black Widow: We were talking about planning a little birthday...

Hawkeye: ...totally would've paid me because he's really rich.

Yes, your poker game.

Exactly. A surprise party.

A surprise poker party.

For some other Tony.

Fine. Keep it to yourselves. But I wouldn't cross Iron Man.

Anyway, I'll be on the Viking swing.

A surprise poker party? That isn't even a thing.

It won't be any kind of party if Tony gets to Molecule Man before we do. Let's move.

So, you got Molecule's cell digits, Or are we just supposed to search every street in New York city?

S.H.I.E.L.D. has a lead on him.

And if you can't take my mission plan seriously, I'll do it myself.

Touchy. P.S., I can take a mission un-seriously and still ace it.

[grunts] Thanks.

Totally knew you would do that.


[sighs] I could've done this in my sleep.

One knock-out arrow and I'm back to winning stuffed pandas.



He's carrying dangerous cargo.

We have to secure it before...

Before he can disappear with it?

How did we get made? 'Cause it wasn't me.

Sure. The talking at full volume didn't raise any flags.

Amateur! [chuckles]

Don't blame me, super-spy.

A.I.M. agents. That's what he's running from.

[weapons powering up]

Uh... um...


You're not taking my dad's wand!

Black Widow: That's not Molecule Man.

More like Molecule Kid.[/i]

Hey, what...

We just got slimed!

[grunts] Ah! No!



Hawkeye: [scoffs] Look at him. All that power in his hands, and he doesn't even know what to do with it.

I think Iron Man would be pretty useful right about now.

Fury doesn't want the wand in any one person's hands, especially Mr. Impulsive.

If I was in charge, I would've brought along a Hulk or something.

AIM agent 1: Over here!

AIM agent 2: Hey!



This wand is all I have left of my father.

There's no way you're getting it from me.


[laughs] Uh-oh.



[horn honks]


[tires screeching]

There's mud in your eye.

And your nose and your ears...

Joke later. He's running away again.



[cars crashing]

[car alarms blaring]

Permission to fire the champion shot you should've let me fire back in the alley, sir!

Permission to stop talking and start sh**ting granted.

Do you not get it? I have his power now.

Me! I'm not afraid to use it!

Aah! Where'd you learn to drive, huh? Video games?



Hawkeye: Have you thought about what we're gonna do if junior turns us into bratwursts?

I see you as more of a hot dog.

But the wand can't affect organic matter. Take the wheel.



[Hawkeye yelling]


Whoever you are, leave me alone!

We're Avengers, the really good guys.

[quietly] Hey, how are you with kids?

[sighs] Playtime is over. The wand. Now.

Question answered. Not so good.

A.I.M.! Avengers! You're all the same.

[both yelling]

In my hair!


See ya at the top.


[both grunt]


What's that?

That's Russian for "you're welcome."


You're scared. Fine. You should be.

But let us help you. [grunts]



Help me, like you helped my dad? Send me away like you did him?

You just want to take what everyone else wants from me.

He does have a point.


Molecule Kid just made those cars a lot heavier.

Okay. What we have here is more scared kid than crazed super-villain.

Can you just mommy-talk him before he destroys the city?

Mommy-talk? You did not just say that with me positioned to kick you in many painful places.


[grunts] Give me the wand!

Black Widow: Or else! [grunts]

Leave me alone!


[grunts] Honey?

Yes, dear?

No. We're stuck in honey.

You said the wand doesn't do organics, so this isn't honey, honey.

Hey, great mission plan so far, by the way.

Perfection. Really.

You look stuck.

Captain America? How...

I was walloping Batroc the leaper over on 3rd when I noticed 5th had gone vertical.

Why didn't you call in the team?

Because Tony cannot know this kind of power's in the city, by order of Nick Fury.

Did you tell Fury our team comes first? Or does it for you?

You're the by-the-rules guy, Captain.

Imagine if Tony no longer had to follow the rules of physics.

Understood. We need to keep this away from Tony.

Still, aren't you the world's greatest super-spy and most expert marksman?

You can't handle a kid?

If Hawkeye had let me deal with this instead of trying to grandstand...

Pulling Widow from slime, honey... She can't be left alone for a second!

Oh, brother. Yeah, while you're both being right, your target's getting away.

Help me!

I will help myself to your wand.

[Molecule Kid screams]

The Adaptoid? Here?

Now it's a party.

Call Tony?

We do not call Tony!




You're safe, son. I suggest you hand over that wand.

It won't work for you. For anyone.

Only me. My dad made it that way.

[grunting] Ohh!

Hawkeye: Go help Cap. I've got the kid.

You go help Cap. I've got the kid.

I can handle a shape-shifting robot. Seriously, go help Cap.

It's too much for you. You go help Cap.

Falcon: I got Cap.

You two stay on robo-snot. I'll call Tony.

Do not call Tony!


[both grunt]

I now control this marvelous creature.

M.O.D.O.K.? If he gets ahold of that wand, we're all doomed.

[both groan]

There is no point in running, boy.

[grunts] Why isn't this working?

Hawkeye: It is working. It's an Adaptoid.

It adapts.

How do I fight something like that?

You don't. We do.


You narrow-minded fools would lock the wand in a safe, but Red Skull and I will use it to reshape tomorrow!

Looks like everyone wants your gadget, kid. [grunts]

You've got two options. Let it fall into the hands of one of humanity's greatest enemies, or hand it to the hero, I.E., me.

I'll take option three... Keep it!


Archer could use some help containing the kid.

Leave Adaptoid to me and Falcon.

Took him out once, I can definitely do it again.


Ow, ow, ow!

Why can't everyone just... just leave me alone? [siren wailing]

I'm not a bad guy!

You may not be trying to hurt anyone, but damage is being done. You can't control the power you're wielding.

No one can.

Then why should I give it to you?

Because I can make sure no one ever uses it again.

Giving it up now... would be good.

And you are a good person, Aaron.

How do you know my name?

Hawkeye: Don't bother trying to trick him out of it, Widow.

He already knows we want the wand just like everyone else.

What are you doing?

That touchy-feely stuff never works.

Stand back and let me talk to him, maverick to maverick.

You're doing your own thing, kid.

Following in the old man's footies. A rebel. I get that.

The buddy angle scenario doesn't work with teens.

Pathetic. Maybe I should've brought Iron Man.

Who's rescued you from sticky situations twice today?

Iron Man? Puh-lease!

I was not rescued. Ugh!

I should've just handled this myself!

Stop fighting!

That's all my dad ever did with this thing.

That's why my mom went away. That's why my dad got sent away!

And I've had enough of it!

I have the power now. I didn't want to use it, but people... you people gave me no choice!


Molecule Man couldn't do this, could he?

Definitely not.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe we should call...

Iron Man: Iron Man?

[thrusters powering down]

Looks like you need a hand... one with a repulsor ray.


That was remarkably easy.

What have you been doing this whole time?

Tony, give me the wand.

I assume Fury told you to keep this from me.


Think what I could do with molecular manipulation.

Turn the moon into a green-energy battery. Transmute Jersey into...

What's the opposite of Jersey?

You see?

Okay, okay. You were right.

Once. Tony, we got this handled.

And we don't need your help.

I wouldn't take credit for this mess if I was either of you.

I would've at least brought a Hulk or something.


You think I'm just some weak kid?

That wand gives me powers even you Avengers don't have!

And you can never make it work! Only me! Only...

Both: I got it.


Both: Which part of your plan is this?

I don't think that's a good thing.

[Molecule Kid yells]

Help me? After what I've done?

It's just what we do.

We're not gonna outrun this flash, kid.

Say "cheese." [Molecule Kid screams]

Everything's gone.

It's... it's incredible.

It's like reality is broken. It can't lock in.

But actually, these are the building blocks of the universe, and we can... we can see them.

[grunts] What happened?

Breaking the wand caused a rift.

We got pulled through.

We're looking at the world on a molecular level.

Nice. Great. Can we go home now?

Oh, right.

Figures the only thing my dad left for me turns out to be nothing but trouble.

I thought I could do good, clear his name, and now... and now I've ruined everything!


You haven't ruined everything. Not yet. [grunts]

[sinister laughter]

But that might.

This kind of power belongs in my hands alone!

Captain America: Tony, what is that?

Iron Man: Bad news. That's a black hole.

And there is no good news.

M.O.D.O.K. is adapting the wand's powers, and he's about to destroy this rift from the inside out, us included.

[sinister laughter]

Avengers, assemble! Cap, Falcon, get its arms.

Widow, Hawkeye, the legs.

I have nothing to fear from you.

What about you?

Me? I'm all heart.

Modok: Your power is nothing but feeding me.

More. More!

[Modok laughs wickedly]

[straining] Need a better plan.

Molecule Kid: My wand doesn't work on organic stuff.

I'm guessing your suit isn't.

Oh! He destabilized the suit's molecules! I can't adapt!

Kid, you may have just bought us some precious time.

Uh, we have a bigger problem.

Falcon: If we blink out of existence, existence blinks out of existence.

Hawkeye: Deep. Whatever that meant.

We need you, Aaron.

You don't need me. Nobody does.

You just want this thing my dad made, and as soon as you get it, I'll be alone again.

I thought I could be different, do something good with it, but I'm... just like my dad.

Think so? Well, here's where you can turn that around.

And you wielded enough power to set the world on its side.

But it's likely that you and you alone can wield enough power to set it back.

Not with a stupid broken power wand.

If you have the parts of something...

...you can put it back together.

Like anyone would trust me with that kind of power again?

There may be no better hero for this job, kid.

Can you help us?

Hero? Me?

Tony... how about now?

Because Adaptoid is almost adapted.

I'll try.

I don't have enough power to stop it from collapsing. I need help.

This isn't just about power, kid.

That wand works because you want it to work.

I can give you some extra juice, but you have to fix it yourself.




[all straining]

Hawkeye: Teamwork.


Ahhh! [grunts]



All's well that ends well.

Glad I could help, especially since Fury didn't even want me here.

Uh-oh. Hall monitor.

I'm afraid this is not quite over.

You were not supposed to be on this mission.

And you were supposed to make sure he wasn't on this mission.

Falcon: Ooh-hoo! Busted!

You know, Nicky, you were right.

The wand's power is too tempting, even for me.

Secrets have a way of getting out, Fury.

We should've told our team, trusted them.

Us, we can deal with later. Right now, what do we do with junior?

Seems like he wants to walk the path.

Not exactly Avengers level yet, but maybe, with a little encouragement?

The son of a villain is hero material?

He is a bright young man with potential.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s got a program training some high school recruits. Right, Nicky?

Kid, you're lucky to have recommendations from the best of the best.


We'll discuss it over lunch on the tricarrier.

Thank you.

I have to congratulate you for today, Avengers.

For keeping you in the dark?

For hiding a mission from you?

No. That I'm still peeved about.

But this kid may finally have a chance at a future.

Take it from me, that's a real victory for both of you.


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