03x03 - Bone for Tuna

Episode scripts from TV show, "Boardwalk Empire". Aired September 2010 - October 2014.*
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A reputable Atlantic City politician strives to maintain power by equally collaborating with both the law and gangsters.
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03x03 - Bone for Tuna

Post by bunniefuu »

Lucky: It's heroine.

You can sniff it, smoke it, or inject it.

It seems to me you boys ought to extend a token of goodwill towards Mr. Masseria.

10% is okay.

If you have a proposal for helping the women who come to this hospital, then I would very much like to hear it.

Dr. Mason: How do you propose to persuade Dr. Landau?

You work for me.

Eli: Doing what?

My wife and I were going to use the prize money to buy a house.

This year will be more lucky.

He has the St. Gregory award from the diocese.

I'll see he's told.

I'd like to introduce Evelyn, who will be joining us here at the Artemis Club.

Gentlemen remain gentlemen only when they must.

I got a g*n.

( g*ns cocking )

He got a g*n. Everybody got g*ns.

Arnold Rothstein expects to get what he pays for.

Owen:He won't be getting it tonight.

( Phone ringing )


Who's calling?

( Ringing continues )

( Theme music playing )

( Phone ringing )


Operator, I'm having trouble getting through.

Who is the party you're trying to reach, sir?

Billie Kent, New York City.

I've been trying for hours.

The only thing to worry about is when you run out of company, sir.


Hungry, slugger?

( Phone rings )

What the hell is wrong with this phone?

( g*nsh*t )

( Phone ringing )

Nucky: Jesus Christ.


What time is it?

Mrs. Thompson is on the line.


It's not my intention to pry.

There's a sentence that means its opposite.

Father Schuck is here waiting.


The bishop's man.

We were to review the plans for tomorrow.

The St. Gregory award.

Do it without me.

I'd be happy to oblige, but you're the one they're knighting.

This whole thing was your idea.

I don't even want to do it.

It's meant to be an honor. You're not allowed to say no.

There you have it, a shakedown from start to finish.

You said appearances mattered.

Do you write down everything I say?

Did miss Kent call?

She did not.

( Sighs )

We must go if you want to make your meeting.

Is somebody frying something?

Unfortunately, Mr. Thompson is detained with his work.

He's terribly sorry.

If he didn't work so hard, he wouldn't have been able to donate that land.

I can't tell you how much that meant to the diocese.

It was all his idea.

Truly I can take no credit.

The formalities then.

2:00 sharp, in the foyer, the invited guests will already be seated.

You and Mr. Thompson will be ushered to the front in the first pew on the aisle.

After my brief dedication, Bishop Norman will present Mr. Thompson with the award.

I'm noticing a private audience with the bishop has not been scheduled as I'd requested.

Yes, I'm afraid the bishop's schedule is rather tight.

I see.

Though, as you mentioned, it's a great honor for Mr. Thompson to receive the award for his selfless generosity to the diocese.

To not have a moment with the bishop would be such a disappointment.

Unfortunately, there just won't be an opportunity.

One might almost think he was trying to avoid us.

I assure you, that's not the case.

Then you'll see to it?

Or shall I call his private secretary to relieve you of the bother?

I am sure something can be arranged.

( Phones ringing )


( Men laughing )

You g.d. bunch of...

Gentlemen. Gentlemen.

Do you know what haunts me when I lay my head down at night?

What dogs me when I open my eyes in the morning?

The curse of halitosis, Scotty?

Wrinkles, my friend.

The world is plagued by wrinkles.

On summer frocks and Sunday suits.

Pinafores and pocket squares.

Who's the man in the arrow shirt when you cover him with creases?

Nothing but a dub.

Gloria Swanson's home alone on Saturday night with nothing fresh to wear.

You got her number? I'll chat her up.

We don't sell irons here at Farraday, friends.

We sell confidence and opportunity.

The big contract signed, the ring on a sweetheart's finger, and dreams that always come true.

Who's ready to spread the gospel?



Not any.

Make the world smooth for me.

Uh, George, didn't mama ever tell you about the early bird?

Uh, I'm experiencing a mishap with a strap.

( Laughing )

I got to say, you're a pip and a half.

Nucky. Welcome to Tabor Heights.

Police escort and everything.

What do you want, Gyp?

I was thinking maybe the pot roast. How about you?

I didn't come up here for your vaudeville routine.

Well, Bible camp ain't till summer, so why did you come?

( Sighs )

Obviously I offended you in some way.

But since you're a man who can find an insult in a bouquet of roses, I'm not sure quite how.

Maybe it's got something to do with you jeopardizing my livelihood.

It's a free market. I sell to whom I choose.

To whom? Listen to you.

I wish you'd start.

I got customers.

20-block stretch in the Lower West Side.

They can't buy from me, they buy someplace else.

I'm not selling to Yale or Remus either, and you don't see them acting like petulant children.

Right, you only sell to the Jew.

I told you, I need to keep things simple.

Like this place. Simple.

Only one road, one road out.

Atlantic City to New York.

I'll use the back roads through the pine barrens, Gyp.

I don't know where the f*ck that is, but I bet it's one hell of a slog.

And if I was you, every inch of that road would stick in my craw.

But I'm not you, Gyp.

I learned a long time ago not to take things personally.

Everyone's a person, though, right?

So how else could they take it?

( Sighs )

In the interest of honoring what was once a fruitful business relationship, let's set the table over again.

You'll be my guest in Atlantic City tonight.

I'll send you home tomorrow with a full month's supply.

You keep your head above water in New York and leave these nice people alone.

You'll stay a lot healthier that way.

What happens after a month?

I don't consider that my problem.

Square enough deal.

Then this is where you shake my hand.

Gillian: It's not just the bathroom.

The entire top floor leaks.

I've got buckets catching rainwater in three separate bedrooms.

f*ck the ceiling. It's when the cooze starts leaking you got real problems.

The larger point, Charles, is that you're a partner here.

The house needs to be maintained.

I just dropped a grand to fixing up your sitting room.

And there are 18 others that still need attention.

It's a whorehouse, not the Taj Mahal.

Your name ain't even on the deed. It belongs to Jimmy.

And he'll sign it over as soon as he comes home.

Just knock off the screwball shit, will you?

Meaning what, exactly?

I ain't got time, sweetie.

Just start showing me a return on my investment.

What's the story, meyer?

There's 96 packets total, so you know for later.

Put it on. Gently.

It feels lumpy.

That's how your head's gonna feel if you f*ck this up.


He understands, Charlie.

Let me hear it from him.

Cab to 104 and Lex, third floor, apartment D.

Drop off the decks, take the dough.

Same as always.

Cash first, Benny.

Count it there.

Penny less than the whole geetus, you walk.

They have some complaint about the product...

You walk.

You don't like the look of anyone...

( Laughs )

What the f*ck are you doing?

Protecting the deal.

Put that away.

I'm wearing a pound of heroin.

You walk.

I need cab fare.

You bring back the change, we go out for ch*nk.

And don't yank on the lining of the coat.

It looks suspicious.

( Door opens, closes )

He'll be fine.


Or he'll k*ll six people.

Him I'm not worried about.

It's Masseria we need to settle with.

Hock me with his again?

He's gonna come looking for his piece.

( Sighs )

We're sending Benny up to Harlem.

We're dealing in midtown.

Feelers into Jersey.

I sell two bindles of powder on Elizabeth street, Joe Masseria gets cut in?

That's how he'll see it.

We just roll over when it's our thing, not his?

We approach him. We make the terms.

We look like gentlemen.

Ever eat with that prick?

He has his dinner and then he has yours.

( Chuckles )

I'm saying for now, Charlie.

Just for now.

Dr. Landau.

Mrs. Thompson.

What a wonderful surprise.

Have you met Dr. Mason?

I have, actually.

Nice to see you again.

I have my rounds of course.

I wanted to offer my congratulations on your husband's well-deserved honor.

I'm hoping you'll be there to congratulate him in person.

Of course. That's very kind of you to invite us.

I'm glad there are no hard feelings.

What do you mean?

Well, our little contretemps at your party.

Your idea about prenatal instruction.

It's quite long forgotten.

On to more important matters.

How are we doing on the landscaping?

Just on my way to see Mr. McCaully.

You'll be glad to hear we've ordered the hydrangeas you recommended.

That's wonderful.

Flowers make everyone cheery.

You're short, Elmer.

How do you mean?

The money, you f*cking hayseed.

80 cases, $4,800.

Hang on, Mick.

That don't add up.

80 cases at $50 apiece is 4,000.

It don't add up 'cause it's 60 a case.

That ain't the deal I cut with Manny Horvitz.

Well, why don't you take it up with him?

Well, he's dead, ain't he?

That's right.

And how do you think he got that way?

By arguing with me.

Check my figures.

Add 'em up again.

Then your wife can count how many slugs I put in your skull.

All right, Mick. Relax.

That's better.

Now go milk a cow.

( Laughs )

What the f*ck are you looking at, peckerhead?

Me? Nothing.

Get that whiskey over to Gillian Darmody's.

And don't try and weasel a handjob for a tip.

( Music playing )

( Men laughing )

Nucky's voice: You all remember Jimmy Darmody.

Welcome back.

Welcome home, Jimmy.

Welcome back, kid.

Gave them huns hell, I heard.

Sure did.

Well, now that he's made the world safe for democracy, he's back to lend us a hand, too.

In three weeks, Paddy Ryan is taking over as chief clerk of the 4th ward.

Jimmy here will be pat's man Friday.


Congratulations, Paddy.

Bodyguard: He's here.

Gyp Rosetti.

Sleeping on the job?

Reminiscing, I guess.

The old days.

Sharp suit, private supper at the best joint in town...

I'll bet the new days are better.

Land of opportunity.


Sperlinga, where I'm from, we lived in a cave.

Little hut carved right into the Mountain.

I didn't grow up in a cave, but I know what it's like to end up very far from where you started.

Thought you was from here.

Born and bred. But nonetheless.


All nostra buon fortuna.

What's that mean?

To our good luck.

We both deserve it.

Gentlemen, are we ready to order?

Well, I wouldn't mind a slice of you.

I'm much too tough, sweetie. You'd crack a tooth.

Just send over whatever is good and keep it coming.

Hot to trot?

( Door closes )

Can you blame me?

I haven't seen my wife in days.

I mean, it builds up. Not healthy.

Atlantic City offers many alternatives.

Tops in my book, Gillian Darmody's joint.

I've never been.

You know her, though, right?

It's a small town.

What, you and her?

Don't shit me. Small town.

No, we just go back a while.

Tell you what. Come with me.

My guest.

Another time, maybe.

I'm going home tomorrow.

When I'm in your neck of the woods, then.

( Scoffs )

Not that I'm implying you live among trees.

Like a monkey or something?

Are we starting with this now?

( Grunts )

( Imitates a gorilla )

( Both laugh )

Money first. Remember.

I know. Same as last night.

Drop off the decks. Quit riding me.

It's a business, Benny. Plain and simple.

Right. Right, right, right.

Hey, kid.

Is this the right block for the turkish bath?

How big a putz you think I am?

How big they make 'em?

Joe Masseria says hello.


I'll f*cking k*ll you fucks!

Benny, get down.

Benny, come on, what are you, f*cking nuts? Come on.

You're dead! You hear me?!

You're dead! I'll f*cking k*ll you!

I'll f*cking k*ll you!

( Baby fussing )

( Sigrid speaking Norwegian )

He's having the teeth.

I was awake anyway.

I am soaking your shirt in lemon juice.

The ink will come out for tomorrow.

I'll be more careful.

But you must buy a new one.

When the customer opens the door, what is she to see?

Confidence and opportunity.

That is what you must carry in your case.


You must also share your troubles with your wife.

It's nothing. Slight headache.

From the work I think, yes?

Sales are slow.

You must smile.

You are charming when you smile.

Show me.

Close your eyes.

Now you must think of something that makes you so happy.

( Moans )

There it is.

I see it now.

You are the handsome salesman number one.

I think I open the door...

And let you in.

( Moans )

Sell to me.

So I'll see you over at Mickey's.

Beg pardon?


When I pick up my shipment.

Indeed you will.

Look at her.

That red hair, huh?

It gives me an ache.

I'm serious. Right here.

( Sighs )

So, look, I'm glad we settled this.

I am, too.


I get all wrapped up in a thing.

I mean, my head starts pounding, I can't even think straight.

I need to remind myself life's better with friends.

No one's going to argue with that.

Mr. Rosetti.

Good to see you.

( Music playing )

My associate Tonino.

Look at you.

You like working here?


Ever get to, you know, with the girls?

No, not really.

Even still, it beats the pants off of my job.

I'd walk around with a stiffy all day.


Can you keep a secret?

Manny Horvitz.

I heard his luck run out.

His ran out and Mickey Doyle's ran in.

What do you mean?

It was Mickey shot Manny.

Where did you hear that?

From Mickey himself.

You know, he may seem dopey, but I sure wouldn't mess with that guy.
( Phone ringing )

Margaret: Hello?

It's just me.

So you'll be staying here tonight?

I thought we'd all head to the church tomorrow together.

Very well.

I've been having trouble sleeping.

Some warm milk, perhaps.

( Music playing )

Evelyn:"Young love lies drowsing away to poppied death, cool shadows deepen across the sleeping face, so fails the summer with warm, delicious breath, and what hath autumn to give us in its place?

Draw close the curtains of branched evergreen, change cannot touch them with fading fingers sere, here the first violets perhaps with bud unseen, "and a dove, may be, return to nestle here."

( Applause )

I didn't understand a word of that.

But very beautiful.


What can we offer next?

Music? Dance?

Games of chance or skill?

Let's you and me talk, huh?

That's not what you came here for, Mr. Rosetti.

Don't sell yourself short.

Ladies, if you'll excuse us.

Place looks good.

New rugs.

Standards are important to me.

But the overhead, huh?


It's not something that we like our patrons to worry about.

Why not?

I worry about it. You worry about it.

Your partner, he worries about it all the time.

My partner?

Luciano, right?

That kid's belly ain't ever gonna be full.

You know who else?

Nucky Thompson.

He's a worried man.

I wouldn't know anything about that.


Why would I?

He drops me off here.

Doesn't even come in for a quick hello.

Nucky tends to his affairs and I tend to mine.

But you pay him, right?

I mean, he gets his taste no matter what.

Every business has its costs.

What I got to do to make ends meet, I don't even want to start.

You think you have friends? It's all dogs with a bone.

What do I do? What's my choice?

You take care of yourself.

You're gorgeous.

And you're smart.

Good businesswoman.

I saw how Nucky treated you out there.

It's like a bad clam in my mouth.

I'm sorry, I have to say it.


I'm not the only one.

How's that?

I've heard things.

For instance?

I heard...

His own brother tried to have him k*lled.

No kidding.

That's what they say.


Lose your own flesh and blood, what do you have?

You don't have anything.

( Organ playing )

You have no idea how uncomfortable this is.

You've made your discontent abundantly clear.

I meant the suit.

It shrunk or something.

You look fine.

Do you know the last time I was even in a church?

On our wedding day.



Barely slept again.

Well, what do they say on Broadway?

Show must go on.

Mr. Thompson.

Mrs. Thompson.

( Choir singing )

( People murmuring )

Father Schuck: We are gathered here today for what is a rare and special occasion.

The pontifical order of St. Gregory the great acknowledges not only the material generosity
that our honoree exhibits daily, but his generosity of spirit as well.

Enoch Malachi Thompson, come forward.

Enoch Malachi Thompson, for having answered the gospel summons to brotherly love and illustrating by your actions the ideals of the church, for having enriched the heritage of humanity and providing an example for others to serve, by order of Pope Pius XI, I now bestow upon you the title of knight commander of the order of St. Gregory.

Congratulations, my son.

Say, Georgie.


Me and the other fellas were gonna head down to Herkmeyer's after quitting time. Want to come along?

What is that?

Hank: Herk's?

It's just a little retreat where we study the psalms in tranquility and solitude.

( Men laugh )

A speakeasy.

No flies on George.

Knock back a few. Have some laughs.

What do you say?

Thank you. My wife is expecting me.

Oh, come on. Untie those apron strings a minute.

Look, we were just razzing you with that pen gag.

Blowing off steam.

Oh, heck, my first day here, I come out, they painted my car pink.

With polka dots.

So consider yourself initiated in the brotherhood of bullshit and blarney.

( Men laugh )

Nothing wrong with letting your hair down, I suppose.

Cornelia: A knight, imagine that.

And right in the castle next door.

Margaret:I've set Philip to work polishing his armor.

Cornelia:Do you find it gets rusty in the rain, Mr. Thompson?



Cornelia asked you a question.

It was just a joke, really.

About the knighthood.

Yes, it's quite an honor.

Well, I'm sure I'll see you later.

Are you not feeling well?

I'm fine.

I just...

I need to use the facilities.

Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson.

Kent. Lillian Kent.

Are you sure you don't have a line down somewhere?

I've been ringing for two days.

Very well. Keep trying.

May I introduce someone?

By all means.

Bishop Norman, may I present Dr. Robert Landau, chairman of St. Theresa's?

He's a great admirer.


Your excellency, it's truly an honor.

Dr. Landau is trying to convince my husband and I to sponsor a women's health clinic at the hospital.

Well, what do you have in mind?

Well, early days yet, really.

But it's come to our attention that, yes, many of the women we admit as patients could benefit.

Seminars, perhaps.

Nutrition, hygiene.

What was it?

Prenatal care.

There are some delicate topics which would have to be avoided.

Your excellency, I...

Mr. Thompson and I felt the same way.

But still and all, a worthy endeavor, wouldn't you agree?

A touch of the modern, I suppose.

Only a touch.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Father Schuck is a relentless taskmaster.

You do understand my concerns?


We share them.

Then you have my blessing.

Keep me apprised of your progress.

We will. Thank you.

I'm afraid you've finally trapped me.

We'll sponsor the clinic as you wish.

30 grand on the nose.

Better than a punch on the nose.


Mr. Rosetti, we meet again.

Where's the boss?

Mr. Thompson is indisposed.

What's that supposed to mean?

He isn't here right now.

And you're...?

Eli Thompson.

The kid brother.

Heard a lot about you.

You're all loaded up.

So that's it, huh?

The big send-off?

I could christen you with a bottle of champagne.

Well, tell Nucky I said goodbye.

Oh, he had a message for you as well.

"Bone for tuna."

( Music playing )

( People chatting )

Say, Georgie, they're all out of sarsaparilla.

Had a boy scout troop in earlier and they cleared them out.

( Laughing )

Near beer will do.

Near beer? Honey, don't make a schoolgirl cry.

Oh, you tell him, toots.

Try a real drink. It'll put some hair on your chest.


( Laughing )

This was just cleaned and pressed.

Nothing a Farraday iron can't fix, huh?

Oh, Georgie boy. Come on back.

( Whistle blowing )

( Screaming )

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a raid conducted by your United States Treasury Department.

Secretary Andrew Mellon wishes you all a pleasant evening and would like to inform you that you are all under arrest.

All alcohol will be confiscated and catalogued and the contents of the cash register obtained for violation of the Volstead Act.

Mickey: "The kama sutree."

Madge: Come again?

( Laughing )

"The kama sutree."

( Laughing )

It's the new thing from Egypt.

You screw upside down and you don't blow your stack neither.

That's just drunk.

Say, where'd you put that bottle?

It's in my drawers. Why don't you have a look?


( Screams )

Jesus! Don't sh**t!

What are you doing?

Get your hat.

Please. What?

Your hat, put it on.

All right, go.


Turn around.


George Mueller.

Let's see it.

You come here regular?

No, sir. First time.

Just bad luck, huh?



Why do I know you?


People tell me I remind them of someone else.

Just one of those faces.

No, that's not it.

I've seen you around somewhere.

You live in Cicero.

Yes. 24th street.

I'm over on 27th.

You shouldn't be in places like this, neighbor.

I got talked into it.

I'll tell you what.

Pay the fine direct to me, and we'll leave it at that.

Pay you the fine?

That's how it works.

( Chuckles )

You must be a pitiful salesman if this is all you got on you.

Don't let me see you here again.

Tonino: So they load the coffin in the ship, right?

And there's this scene, it moves around all by itself.

No one's touching it. And then orlock comes out at night, and the whole crew, he drinks their blood.

Corpses. Nothing left but the rats.

And you got to see this fella...

Skinny, humpback, fingernails like this.

I tell you, he don't give you the willies, I don't know what will.

Bone for tuna.


Bone for tuna. What the f*ck's that supposed to mean?

Oh, the kid's Irish. The pronunciation was off.

I think he meant...

I know what he meant.

Who the f*ck is Nucky Thompson to wish me good luck?

And in Italian no less, like he's mocking me?

He's real cute, I'll f*cking tell you.

Sets me up to lose.

Pulls our whiskey deal at the last minute.

Then it's buon fortuna like he's rooting for me to get back on my feet.

Push me off a cliff, why don't you?

Sure, I mean...

Good luck flapping your arms on the way down.

Am I right?

Sure, I...

Real attitude on him. Scrawny Irish prick.

I need his blessing to make my way in the world?


I need him to lecture me?

Nothing's personal?

What the f*ck is life if it's not personal?

( Phone ringing )

Congratulations from Frank Hague, Attorney General Daugherty, Senator Edge.

Bring the car around.

We are going out?

I will pull around out back.

( Elevator bell dings )

( Mickey whimpering )

What the f*ck is this?

I didn't mean nothing by it.

It was just a rib. A joke.

A man's death is no laughing matter.

I don't know what this is, but I don't want it happening here.

Tell him.

Nucky, you've got to believe me.

( Cocks p*stol )

( Whimpers )

Mr. Harrow.

Didn't do it!

Didn't do it! I didn't k*ll Manny Horvitz.

Whoever said you did?

Harrow: He said it.

I was only blowing smoke, okay?

sh**ting my mouth off just to keep things lively.

I never went near him. I swear.

He's telling the truth.

How do you know?

How do you think?

( Whimpering )


Could you ask him to put the g*n away?


Would you?


I'm gonna go.

And we're good on this, right?

You need to talk to him.

I waited outside his house.

I used a shotgun very close.

May I ask why?

Angela Darmody.

Not her husband?

Jimmy was a soldier.

He fought, he lost.

So I can assume my family and I are safe?

You and Mrs. Thompson were good to me.

You have nothing to fear.

How many people have you k*lled?


Do you think about any of them?

You know the answer to that yourself.

Margaret: I'd give anything for you to have seen his face.

It was absolutely priceless.

I have to admit, I'm amazed you pulled it off.

I'm sure you intended that as a compliment.

310. 312.

Here we are.

I changed tobaccos.

Dr. Mason, I present to you the future home of St. Theresa's Women's Clinic.

Well, needs a bit of work.

( Gas pump dinging )

( Men chatting )

( Car approaching )

So, that's it, then, eh?

What is?

Understand you boys are heading back to New York.

Oh, yeah? Where'd you hear that?

Nucky's man Owen.

You know, you shouldn't be smoking around the gas pumps.

Oh, yeah? Why is that?

It's flammable, that's why.

Oh, right.

Well, good luck to you now.

How's that?

I said good luck.

Give me that.

Hey, sheriff.

I think we're gonna stick around a while.

What the hell are you doing?

( Coughing )

What the f*ck?

( Coughing )

( Screaming )

( Knocks )


( Sizzling )

( Music playing )

Well, look who's up.

When did you get home?

Little while ago.

Didn't want to wake you.

I thought I was having a nightmare.

About what?

I was alone.

Well, you're not alone anymore, are you?

( Music playing )

♪ Once I lived the life of a millionaire ♪
♪ spent my money, i didn't care ♪
♪ carried my friends out for a good time ♪
♪ buying bootleg liquor ♪
♪ champagne and wine ♪
♪ then I began to fall so low ♪
♪ didn't have a friend and no place to go ♪
♪ if I ever get my hands on a dollar again ♪
♪ I'm gonna hold onto it ♪
♪ till them eagles grin ♪
♪ nobody knows you ♪
♪ when you're down and out ♪
♪ in my pocket, not one penny ♪
♪ and my friends ♪
♪ I haven't any ♪
♪ without a doubt ♪
♪ no man can use you when you're down and out ♪
♪ I mean, when you're down and out. ♪
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