01x21 - Secrets and Lies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Criminal Minds". Aired: September 2005 to February 2020.*

Moderators: tay2417, GemW, scoopy

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The cases of the BAU an elite group of profilers that analyze the nation's most dangerous criminal minds in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again.
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01x21 - Secrets and Lies

Post by bunniefuu »

Everything is going to be ok.

I have to meet a friend, someone who will help us.

We've got to get out of here now.

You promised you would protect my children.

That's exactly what I'm doing.

Just get in the car, please.

We have to move!

You promised you would keep us safe.

And I will.

But you got to trust me one more time.

Come on, kids. let's go.

Everybody in.

Everybody in?

You'll never find her.

I knew it had to be you.

Mce I see the paper reported the death of our mutual friend.

I'll wait for your call.

You catch him?

Only after he drowned 8 women.

Sick bastard.

He was.

As of 3 days ago, john summers wasn't.

Is that why you called me he was stressed, exhausted, a little paranoid maybe, but not suicidal.

I signed him off as fit for duty.

So you did.

And so he was.

It wasn't su1c1de, was it?

Papers say it was.

Investigation too messy. you made it look like su1c1de.

Now, that is a mess.

This? that's just cleaning house.

So why do you look like crap?

You know me too well.

It was only the people in my unit that knew that john summers was cia.

And my bosses believe that someone in my team is the one who had him k*lled.

We wanna know who and why.

A mole in langley.

It looks that way.

And I'm not high enough on the food chain to dodge the b*llet on this.

No, no, jason. you know the rules.

No judge. no jury. this is strictly in-house.

You want my help?


Then I need my team.

Albert einstein said, "whoever sets himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." he was cia escort, ok?

It's weird, a little scary.

What do you suppose this is all about?

Call me cynical, but considering it's 2 a.m., I doubt it's good news.

You are a genius.

The cia's counterterrorism unit is engaged in a mission to save one of its informants.

They suspect one of their agents is a mole.

Until the identity of that mole is discovered, they've locked down the unit.

This gives us the opportunity to profile the unsub up close.

Go ahead.

Let's start the video feed.

John summers was the cia's best field agent in the middle east.

3 nights ago, he was found in his home in washington.

He'd been tortured and m*rder*d.

Gideon: the cia made it look like su1c1de.

How'd you like to have that job?

Guys, look at the wound patterns.

They come from 2 distinct angles.

Different heights.

One's right-handed and one's left-handed.

Looks to me like he was tortured by more than 2 people.

Hotch, what was summers working on?

Aaliyah nadir had been beaten and sexually assaulted at the hands of her husband, hassan nadir.

That's how summers flipped her and got her to work for the cia.

What's the husband's story?

He's a diplomat for the saudi government, but he's a fund-raiser for major t*rror1st organizations.

Aaliyah gave summers intelligence on t*rror1st organizations the cia had never been able to penetrate, organizations hassan, her husband, funneled money to.

And hassan realized he had a leak?

Hotch: yes, but he didn't know who.

For aaliyah's protection, summers never revealed her identity to the cia until about 8 weeks ago.

Cia arranged papers for her, and summers brought her and her children to the u.s. about a month ago.

Only summers knew where he hid her.

What did hassan think happened to his family?

Car accident. bodies too d*sfigured to identify.

Only the cia knew it was staged until hassan arrived in washington last week under diplomatic cover.

Only someone in this unit could have given hassan information about his family.

And now he's here looking for her. why us?

Over the years, I've conducted psychological evaluations on every field agent in that unit.

You worked for the cia?

Not officially.

The train's running. and if we stop this mission, even for a second, aaliyah and her children are as good as dead.

Everything's going to be ok.

We'll be out of here soon.

He's going to come back for us.

We just all have to be very brave.

Close your eyes. try to sleep.

Don't remove your firearm.

U.s. soil. federal building.

Just your cell phones. non-negotiable.

The moment we walk in there, the unsub's gonna know we got him cornered. we don't hand jack him.


Y.special agent hotchner.

Oh, I know who you are and your team, too.

I've got the personnel files all set up for you guys.

Video, whaot. it's all there in the conference room.

If you have any questions, feel free to talk to my senior officers.

This is gina sanchez.

She's the associate director of field operations.

And that guy up there is kruger spence, the assistant director of operations.

The lady with him is his second in command, olivia hopkins.

And thank you for coming.

You never mentioned bruno hawks.

You never asked.

How long have you unofficially been working for cia?

Long enough to know who and what we're dealing with.

If I may ask, sir- I don't know your name, nathan-

the thing that I don't get is our team's there.

Why can't we go to langley?

Do I look like a threat to national security to you? seriously.

Your name is on a list.

A list? what list? I work for the fbi, and you're telling me I'm on a list that says I can't go to the cia?

You're on a list.

Uh, garcia.

You do know what this means.


We'll be able to find out whether princess diana's death was really an accident.

I think that's exactly the kind of thing that got you on their lith ok, we got a full roster of all the players here, including summers. how many in total?

In bruno's department. 22.

21 and 22 are here with us.

In the room.

What if it's one of them?

We're looking for what the cia classifies a type-a personality.

Overachiever, highly adaptable, well educated, virtually unshakable.

Manipulative enough to persuade a loyal foreign national to betray their country or a wife to betray her husband.

Most importantly, this unsub long ago accepted the reality they will be summarily ex*cuted if caught.

Life means nothing to this unsub.

Not his own life. not his family's.

Not his colleagues. certainly not ours. and certainly not theirs.

One of those agents turned against everything they believe in. why?

Well, he stopped believing.

Maybe it was about ideology.

We need to find the stressor, a major event that caused him to turn love, revenge, economics, ideology.

The intelligence community's mantra says, "increase the parameter ofceour enemies' paranoia." right now we're the enemy.

Whatever you see or are told, please trust no one but me.

Garcia: gideon, you're gonna want to take a look at this surveillance video.

What is it?

It's you. it's your name next to a whole slew of mpegs.

There's one that says "john summers." it's 3 hours long.

M when was this?

Ne 3 days before he was lled.

Who called this meeting?

Does it tter?

Every detail matters.


It can only be 1 of 4 people.

Why is that important?

Whoever requested this wanted more than just an eval from you.

Did you know they were filming you?

I assumed they were.

Reid: taking in all factors discussed-

age, rank, and field status-

and if you eliminated all non-field agents, we're left with a total of 16 candidates.

All of whom are in this unit.

We have to assume the mole has an exit strategy.

Only now we're blocking the exit, and the only way out is through us.

We all know why b.a.u. are here.

They have their job and we have ours.

And we're down to the wire on this.

Aaliyah nadir risked everything, and now she and her children deserve our fullest attention.

Let's find her.

Agent gideon.

It's good to see you again.

You're not a very good liar.

Ne I wasn't lying.

Your evaluation took me out of the field.

I simply wrote the truth.

There's gonna come a time. when you can'tbly follow orders. m it hasn't happened yet.

It will.

You're wrong.

We think the agent who's tipping off hassan may have had some kind of extreme event in their life.

Something that distorted or redefined their belief system.

Every agent undergoes regular psych evals. you know that.

They're trained to ce with extreme events.

Urneevthis agent, you can't train for.

You're welcome to everything I have.

Every op undertaken by these guys is on file.

What about the ones that aren't on file?

Like the wiretaps of the saudi embassy.

Those don't even exist.

How long has your department been running operations in riyadh?

Declared presence in riyadh monitoring u.s. interests there.

You know that.

Now, if that's all, I have an informant to see.

Hey, guys, take a look at something.

Right there.

That's a woman sitting in the passenger seat of that car.

Elle: looks a lot like aaliyah.

Why would he leave them in the car unless he knew he were being videotaped?

Summers: who called this meeting?

Does that matter?

Every detail matters.


It can only be 1 of 4 people.

That's not true. anyone in this division could have insisted on an eval.

Why narrow it down to 4?

Well, he rightly suspected hassan came to the u.s.

Because he knew his wife was alive.

And that someone in this agency was working for hassan.

Morgan: if we don't discover who the mole is before they find her, she and the kids are dead.


Right here, boss.

How many agents in this unit were actually in saudi monitoring u.s. interests?


Let me guess.

Bruno hawks, gina sanchez, olivia hopkins, and kruger spence.

4 for 4.

See what else is on the tape.

John summers would have only trusted seasoned agents, of which in this unit there are only 4.

He guessed that the mole had to have been one of his 4 bosses.

Before he put in for aaliyah's extraction, he wanted to know which one not to ask.

We need to match up with them, one-on-one.

Kruger spence, assistant director of operations.

Recruited at the age of 18 after graduating from m.i.t.

Reid: it says here had 6 years experience as a weapons systems de and an i.q. of 197.

He butted up against the system and didn't deal with authority.

They moved him into field operations in china for 8 years before transferring him here.

Elle: olivia hopkins, divorced mother of 2.

She spent 9 years in field operations in europe.

She also visited riyadh with kruger.

Morgan: I got gina sanchez.

West point graduate.

Black belt in 2 martial arts.

Served in iraq doing psychological operations with military intelligence.

She joined the cia 5 years ago.

Speaks 3 languages including arabic.

Hotch: bruno hawks, deputy director of operations.

Extensive field ops in the middle east and europe.

Did his military service with jason gideon.

One thing I've learned over the years profiling cia agents, spies are some of the smartest liars in the world.

Be smarter.

I'm thirsty.


Share the last of it with your sister.

It's ok. he can have it.

I'm not even that thirsty.

We can't circulate a photo of a woman who's supposed to be dead.

I realize that, but-

i appreciate you have a job to do, but so do i.

Start looking where aaliyah would feel the most comfortable.

Arab-populated areas.

Actually, you might wanna start by profiling summers.

Be my guest.

Aaliyah's about to be brutally m*rder*d in front of her children.

Got nothing?


Where were we? let's put some teams together.

Summers was obsessed with his own security.

Aren't we all?

He didn't care about money or possession or family.

All he cared about was his job.

He was a classic control freak, a meticulous paranoid.

A loaner who chose to live outside the community.

In an environment that he could control.

All right. so he would have placed aaliyah outside the community in an environment that only he could control and have access to.

Maybe. on the other hand, he might-

new deal. I want you to search the areas surrounding summers' apartment.

We're looking for industrial sights, storage spaces, warehouses.

That's good. thanks.

I don't think I could have a job where I had to sit and talk to people all day.

Ok, wait a minute. it's not all psychobabble.

I get my fair share of action.

I'm sure you do.

Here's something you might find interesting.

Joystick, come around 30 degrees, 15 by 13 north.

Zoom in 2 miles.

Wait a minute.

That looks like my neighborhood.

that is my neighborhood.

That's my house.
that's my bike.

You have a dog.

Yeah, yeah, I got a dog.

That's clooney.

Well, it looks like clooney's on the couch.

Ok. so you know where I live. I like that.

You also knew where summers lived.

That's my job.

Your job to make it look like su1c1de?

You stood over the dead body of a friend and a colleague.

You stuck a shotgun in his mouth and you pulled the trigger.


Must take a psychological toll, no?

Let's get one thing clear.

We all write a letter just like the one summers wrote.

A su1c1de note?

That doesn't mess with your mind just a little bit?

I'm neither disillusioned or confused about what I am, what I do or what I have done.

Somebody here is.

Why else would they rat out their own people?

You'll have to ask them.

Cia looks much like the fbi.

This is a real boy's club.

Must be tough being a woman here.

Get to the point, agent.

Divorced. lost custody of your kids.

That didn't help your career, huh?

Are you interrogating me? just questions.

You want answers, look in my file.

I did.

During an operation in europe, you were taken hostage.

For which I received counseling.

But it didn't help. your marriage busted up pretty quickly.

How does this help you?

It would take a major event for someone to turn against their country, don't you think?

A major event like what?

Like one that's not in any file.

What happened to you over there?

They attack you?

They r*pe you?


That's enough.

This is in violation of her civil rights.

Until they find the sleeper and we find aaliyah, all rights are revoked.ed where were you on the night that summers was m*rder*d?

I was with her.

In her apartment.

Well, you're a marrieman.

At some point you must have left to get back to your wife, right?

You wake to an empty bed?


I did.

Are we done here?

My wife will testify that I arrived home at 1:30 a.m.

We all know none of this will ever reach a court.

If you wanna arrest us for having an affair, be my guest.

I'll deal with you two later.


Riyadh, 2003.

When I saw the cctv monitors were down and olivia hadn't returned, I thought I'd better me looking f her.

Have any agents seen the body?

Good. We can use this to ourdvantage to get the others.

What? What's going on?

What are we doing here?

You're pulling us away from our assignments?

There's a woman out there whose life depends on us.

Where's olivia?

Olivia hopkins was m*rder*d 10 minutes ago. Her neck was snapped.

Just like john summers.

What are you talking about?

You're lying.

Where is she?

Look, people don't just get m*rder*d inside the cia.
What are you lookingt?

I realize the enormity of this, but hassan nadir is still out there looking to k*ll his wife, and I need every agent on this.

Gideon: What do you think it would take for somebody to tray their country?

If I knew that, you wouldn be here.

Or is this the part where you profile me?

I've done that for over 20 years and for free.

What d youome up with?

Well, you don't smile as much as you used to, but the rogaine's working.

You need to quit your day job.

You've striv your entire life just to seek the approval of your father.

Obsessively tried not to make e same mistakes he made.

The emotional cost wipes the smile off your face.

You know, my kids, they don't even know who or what their father really is.

But they know there's absolutely nothing you wouldn't do for them.

Who says, you know, kids need to know everything about us?

Trust me. We're not that interesting.

Who do you thi it is?

I'm so close to it, jason, I nely can't tell.

I will say this. I'm glad you're here.

You feeling ok?

I mean, you lost 2 of your people...

2 colleagues, 2 friends.

I've lost plenty of those along the way.

I just feel pissed off.

Someone is gonna pay dearly for what they've done.

You lined us all up to see how we'd react to olivia's death.

What did you see?

You stared straight at kruger like you were trying to deflect blame onto someone else.

You are wasting ecious time, time she doesn't have.

Now, unless you have something useful to ask, we're tryi to save lives.

So are we.

Patch r through.

It's for you.

Garcia? Talk to me.

That virus that knocked t the cctv.


It was downloaded into the system 3 weeks ago.

By who?

Just because I lied about olivia doesn't make me the mole.

No, but the virus that took out the cctv monitors does.

It originated from yr computer.

Then whoever put I in my computer is trying to frame me.

Olivia was lking for something.

She didn't find a thing. You know why?

Because all of your files had been erased.

Do you really think if I was the mole, I would keep files at would incriminate me?

Those files were erased to make me look guilty.

Looks like it's working.

Rgan, your girlfriend's back.

Garcia, it's morga go.

That virus left a back door into the cia mainframe.

Yeah, so?

I sort of went ahead and used it to find out who ordered john summers' psych evalith gideon.

Who was it?

Well, that's at's so weird.

Le: Who, garcia? Who?

John summers.

Summers? Why would he order his own evaluation?

Reid: So we'd ask that question rselves.

We missed something on that tape.

We bter figure out what it was bere hassan'frnd in here beats us to it.

I have tfind some water.



If mr. Summers comes back before I do, you tell him to wait for me.

Do not come looking for mommy.

Whatever happens, you're safe here.

Promise me. Do noteave here.

Yoboth promise?

Presidents come, presidents go.

One thing always remains: The people that run those presidents.

People like you?



No. No. I'm an expendable pawn.

But I got wise to their game.

Game? What game?


I'm e ship asea.

They try to si me.

How do you cope?


Separate a seal every aspect of my life.

How does that work?

If one part of theull is compromised, the rest of the hull remains intact.

I stay afloat.

And what about a direct hit?

Then I have a box that I put the really important things in, a sort of insurance policy.

Against what?

Sudden dea.

Keep it safe from the who pear to be friends.

Hotch: He was tryi to tell you about the mole.

Ifhey were following mmers, how come they n't know where summers put aaliyah?

You couldn't follow summers through a desert. He was that good.

Somebody followed you.

Then summers must have known they'de filming him.

They always are. So smile.

Garcia, let's view the tape again.

He sure likes boats.

He refers to compartmentalizing his life like the hull of a ship.

Yeah. And then he talks about a box.

Anputting something inside box as an insurancpolicy.

He was telling gideon how to find aaliyah.

Summers' cover in saudi was for a shippi company.

Ok. What about a ipping contain?

That's a box. That's a big box.

The only shipping port near summers' apartment in baltimore, it's north up the l-95 from langley.

Garcia, I love you.


Someone just tapped into this feed.

Just found out where aaliyah is.

And so did someone else.

Stand over there.

I can have the chopper on the rf fueled and ready in 2 minutes.

There are thounds of containers at that port.

What makes you so sure aaliyah's in one of those containers?

Why don'we send in a swat team, split them up, have them search in grids.

Why? Because hsan has diplomatic immunity, this mission can't exist.

It's not gina.

Morgan, take gina with you.

Wait. This is my command.

These are my people.

We have jurisdiction here, and there's nothing you can do to stop us.

This is my career onhe line here.

You always trusted me, right?

Trust me now.

Come wh us.

This is crazy. Bruno.

Gideon: Go. Go, go, go.

Use the thermal imaging.

Search every contain for body heat.

You can lk us in and direct us when we get there.

Green, adams. Duncan, come with me.

Jason, you better be certain about this.

I am.

So convince me.

We see it all the time in suspects who k*ll their loved ones.

Ey try to immediately shift the focus away from themselves.

There's often an emotional detachment in the way the statement was constructed.

Kruger betrayed his wife, betrayed olivia.

After all that betrayal, his countrwas easy.

Excuse me a second.


You re right.

Right, but too late.

Hassan has us to it.

Don't hurt them. It was me. It wasll my fault.

Hurt them? Iury them!

I bury you!

Look at this.


You betrayed me and took my children away from me. Why?

Do what you want to me.

Gina and morgan will arrive in 3 minutes.

They're somewhere on the east side of this port.

You guys, take that area over there. Morgan, let's go.

Don't make me do this.

What did you tell them?

Can't you people see what's going on?

All of this was part of their plan, and now hassan is going to k*ll aaliyah.

This is our one and only offer.

Consider it carefully before you respond.

What do you say?

If this is some kind of a trick, I'm not buying it.

You're gonna have to do better than that.

I am not the mole.

This is crazy, gina. We're just running in circles.

Reid, come on. Help us out. Give me something.

A hundred meters north of your current location.

Let's go. Let's go back.

Come on. Let's go back.

We can't arrest him. This is still a cia matter. You do know that.

How will you explain this to the saudi government?

Explain what? This isn't happening.

Let's just get aaliyah and her children back alive.

We'll worry about hassan's life later.


Yeah. I hear you.

They're right in front of you.

Make the arrest, morgan.

It's fbi jurisdiction.

You're in charge.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Easy. Easy. Easy. Easy does it.


Let the lady go and put the g*n down.

I said put the g*n down.

Diplomatic immunity, my friend.

Uh-uh. You got it wrong, my friend.

This container hasn't passed through customs.

Officially, we're not on u.s. Soil.

Summers was a smart man.

That he was.

Drop the g*n.


Morgan, what's going on?

Still certain gina isn't the mole?


Morgan, what's going on?

Gion, we got a situation here.

Gina, don't do this.

Gina, don't do this.

I don't take orders from you.

Bruno, what do you want me to do?

Cover their eyes. Cover their eyes.

Please. Please stop this.


You know what to do.

Say it.

It's not your call.

I told you from the start this was strictly in-house.

This is not your call.

Gina, what are you waiting for?

An order.

Bruno: Finish him.

Finish him.

Gina, don't do this.

You're gon cut the visual feed. Right, bruno?

Of course. Cut it now. Cuit.

I wanna thank you, jason, for your help.


Why did you turn against everything you believe in?

What are you talking about?

When someone asks you how you feel about losing one of yr colleagues, the only human answer is "i feel guilty, " isn't it?

But as you so brilliantly deduced, kruger spence is t guilty one.



Only thi that's absurd is your arrogance.

To believe you could get away with this.

Unrtunately, with hassan now dead, you have no proof.

Gina: Sorry about that. I had to find out if I was right.

How did you know it was bruno?

Because agent gideon believed in me.

And there isn't a reason in the world to k*ll a man who knows as much as hassan does.

Except one.

The same one that made bruno and hassan k*ll summers.


Looks like gideon waright.

Yes, it does.

Actually, hassan is alive and well.

He's en route.

That's all the proof we'll need.

You are a fool if you think they're gonna put me in prison with all that I know.

Why did you have to k*ll olivia?


Olivia wasooking into your financial records when you snapped her neck.

So she kne your dirty little secret.

Which one?

I have so many.

You were looking to cash out using hassan.


$20 million from hassan will go a very long way to helping occupy my mind on a beach somewre.

Only beach you'll see is on a postcard I send you from my vacation.

Let me have your g*n.

I think the consequences of what you're doing to me, my frien are gonna be a lot harder to live with than you think.

We'll see you guys later, all right?

We should this again sometime, ok?


Come on. Come on. Quick.

I know you're in here.

What are you doing?

Looking for prince william's phone number.

The cia is bound to have it.

Oh, garcia, come on.

Yep. Here it is.

No way. Yes way.

Give me a pen.

Garcia, no.

I need this n.

I need a pen. Oh! It doesn't work.



Oh. That's too bad.

Sleep well, sweet prince.

Good night, crazy person.

Good night.

What I don't understand is why he invited us here.

He didn't. Summers did by asking for the eval.

When I put the call in, bruno had no choice.

He had to find out what I knew and keep me close.

Bad choice.

You said you'd send a postcard of a beach. You lied.

Yeah. You hate the beach.

Beaches are for storming.

Only if ordered to.

Thank you.

I could always rent a deck chair and reconsider my career.

You always know where to find us.

I know where you live.

Gideon: George Orwell said, "in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
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