04x10 - Neutron dance

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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04x10 - Neutron dance

Post by bunniefuu »

At Craig’s place. The band is rehearsing

Craig: Ok that sounded a bit tighter?

Spinner: Keyboard was a bit off on the bridge though.

Ashley: Really? Cause the drums threw me off, only it was more in the verse

Marco: Ok, it sounded like this tape of whales my aunt Pea has.

Craig: We have to do better.

Spinner: Dude. We only have three days!

Craig: Well we aren’t going to win $10, 000 worth of free recording again and we have to use it now and we have to be better.

Marco: Yeah and we could be if… if Jimmy could play with us.

Craig: I wish he could too.

Ashley: Well, what if we tried ‘Everything’s Dust’?

Spinner: Sure the song that just so happens to be all about you.

Marco: I think what Spinner means is that uh we’ve come a long way since that song.

Craig: But it’s how we won the contest. I mean we know it works for us.

Spinner: Yeah it worked for you anyway.

Craig: What?! Let’s just try it.

Spinner: Yeah alright. So what? (Starts to play) One, two, crap, four.

In Mr. Simpson’s class

Paige: Ew! Ok there is gum on this chair! Excuse me, Mr. Simpson but gum on chairs is disgrossting and illegal.

Mr. Simpson: Just find another seat Paige. It’s not the end of the world.

Paige: Hello! It’s watermelon.

Hazel: Yeah you definitely need to come with me to yoga. They offer it after school in the gym.

Paige: Yeah I prefer retail therapy.

Hazel: Honestly. It’s the only thing keeping me sane since…well you know.

Paige: I’m so sorry. I haven’t even asked about Jimmy today. Or you.

Hazel: It’s okay. Me, I’m just glad the school gave us a way to de-stress that doesn’t involve more talking.

Paige: Do not let the cult of yoga suck you in. You’ll end up wearing batik and eating spout and they’ll have to perform an exorcism to get my Hazel back.

Mr. Oleander: Coming to yoga today?

Hazel: Wouldn’t miss it Mr. Oleander!

Paige: Mr. O teaches yoga? What was I thinking? I love yoga.

Mr. Simpson: Okay everyone. Special treat today! Mr. Oleander, our student teacher here is going to start the class off with a discussion on subliminal messages in mainstream media. It’s all yours.

Mr. Oleander: Thanks. Hey everybody. That work? Good. Okay so, in the early 1950’s an advertising expert by the name of James Vicary walked into a movie theatre…

In the hospital

Craig: We can’t make the new song work without you. I thought Spin was gonna walk out on rehearsal.

Jimmy: Yeah Spinner walks out on a lot of things.

Craig: Yeah, so um Ash thinks that we should do that song from last year. You know, ‘Dust’.

Jimmy: Ashley?

Craig: Yeah she’s been coming to rehearsals, advising, stuff.

Jimmy: Okay. Is that what you’re calling it these days?

Craig: No, there’s nothing going on with me and Ash. We’re friends.

Jimmy: Okay look I may be crippled man, but I’m not blind.

Craig: Don’t. You’re not crippled okay?

Jimmy: I guess I won’t be for long. Just like I imagine that you and Ashley won’t just be friends for long either.

Craig: What did you get brain damage too? Ashley and I are not gonna happen again.

Jimmy: Whatever. (Smiles) Whatever.

During Yoga

Mr. Oleander: In the warrior stance your feet are firmly rooted in the earth. Your knees over your ankle. Your shin is vertical.

Marco: Doesn’t Mr O. look oh so fetching in his yoga pants.

Paige: Fetching is for dogs and Mr. Oleander is not a dog.

Marco: Shh.

Mr. Oleander: Excellent Paige. Breathe. How does that feel?

Paige: Amazing.

Mr. Oleander: Extra points for smiling.

Paige: He was flirting with me.

Hazel: He’s a teacher!

Paige: Student teacher, hello!

In Craig’s garage

(Craig is quietly singing the song, while Ashley is playing on the keyboards.)

Ashley: So what do you think?

Craig: I think you’re brilliant!

Ashley: Your song is brilliant.

Marco: Um, doesn’t it sound kind of pretty? I mean we are a rock band.

Craig: Hey, hey it’s good contrast. It’s counterpoint.

Ashley: Well maybe it would help if we worked on the bass line. You know made it less simple.

(Spinner and Manny walk in.)

Spinner: Hey guys, sorry I’m late.

Craig: Spinner we’ve been here an hour.

Spinner: You wanna sit on a chair?

Manny: Thanks sticks!

Craig: Who’s sticks?! And why is she here?

Spinner: I’m sticks and I just thought since the band was open to any and all chicks. I’d bring my own amuse.

Craig: You mean muse?

At the movie theatre

Paige: I mean do you think it meant something?! It might have, but then Hazel said that- This is t*rture!

Alex: You and the Furby just broke up. It’s okay to be single for twenty minutes.

Paige: Easy for you to say!

Mr. Oleander: Easy for what?

Paige: That um… I so hate polyester.

Mr. Oleander: Okay. Anyways I was just walking by and I thought I’d come say hi to my favorite yoga student.

Alex: You should go for it.

Paige: What?

Alex: I happened to see my favorite yoga student? Please he loves you.

At school

Manny: There is no such thing as bad publicity but there is such a thing as a bad shirt.

Marco: I couldn’t agree with you more.

Spinner: I like this shirt. Okay. Whatever. I don’t know why we bother because it’s obvious we’re just the backup band for Ashley and Craig’s variety hour!

Marco: Spin, stop being a drama queen okay, it’s not like that.

Spinner: It’s like, you and I aren’t even in the band!

Ashley: I could see us going really far. The band, I mean.

Liberty: Let’s commence. Deadline looming.

Liberty: So where do you see your band going?

Marco: Actually we…

Craig: Far. Really far.

Liberty: Who are your major influences:

Spinner: We uh…

Ashley: We all love Deathcab. Neutral Milk Hotel.

Liberty: Where do your songs come from?

Marco: We like to…

Craig: Well actually they all come from a bunch of different sources of inspiration.

Liberty: Ok. Any solo projects coming up?

Spinner: Uh yeah. Marco and I have a…

Ashley: God no, no, no! No, this is only our first single.

Liberty: Okay, um what would you like to say to your fans?

Ashley: Just keep watching us and you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Liberty: Everyone say ((something?))!

Ashley: ((something?))

Liberty: Fabulous.

Craig: Alright. That was great.

Liberty: Good job guys.

Ashley: Thanks Liberty.

Liberty: It’s gonna be an interesting article.

In a classroom

Craig: Hey.

Marco: Hey Craig um, we have a problem.

Craig: Okay so let’s talk.

Spinner: Ashley’s got to go.

Marco: Woah, Sticks hey slow it down…Ashley’s got to go.

Craig: Has everyone gone nuts?

Marco: She’s not in the band Craig. We never agreed to it.

Craig: Yes you did!

Spinner: Dude, it used to be our band. Remember it used to be about us.

Craig: It’s still about us.

Marco: Ash lost the contest okay? To us and to Jimmy. So why does she get to be on the recording?

Craig: Look. Recording this single, it means everything to me okay?

Spinner: Dude! Either she goes or we do k, cause it’s not working.

Marco: You have to fire her.

In the hallway

Craig: Remember the recording session?

Ashley: Uh hi. And yeah, how could I forget?

Craig: Yeah um, I don’t know how to tell you this.

Ashley: Look, I’m nervous too. But I mean you’ll be there and all I have to do is look over at you and I’ll be fine. So, you wanted to tell me something?

(Craig kisses Ashley and then she walks away kind of shocked and keeps looking back at him.)
At the Dot

Marco: Look you did the right thing okay. I’m sure it was painful for you and Ash, but hey at least us guys can be us guys again.

Craig: Painful?! Ashley and I we’re…we’re back. We’re back together!

Spinner: Oh gee. I thought she would have been all mad when you fired her!

Marco: Uh yeah he didn’t fire her Spinner. (Marco and Spinner get up to leave)

Craig: Like I could kiss her and then do it. Marco cut me some slack. What it’s not that big of a deal?!

In Yoga class

Mr. Oleander: Extend the crown of your head and breathe deeply. Good. Good.

(He walks past Paige and helps Heather.)

Mr. Oleander: You’re a natural Heather. Perfect.

Paige: He didn’t even look at me. All he could look at were Heather Sinclair’s trashy roots and her big, round-

Hazel: Not to sound like a broken record, but he is a teacher!

Paige: How am I supposed to go for it if he won’t even look at me?

Hazel: Maybe you shouldn’t go for it. You and older guys are not always a good match!

Paige: Shh.

Mr. Oleander: (on his cell phone) Hey Charlie, just got your message. Uh yeah 8:00, Bar Craft. See you then. Bye.

Paige: Where’s Bar Craft?

At Ellie’s (heh Sean’s) place

Ashley: So one minute we’re talking first recording session butterflies, and the next, full on lip lock.

Ellie: Don’t do it.

Ashley: Yeah little late for that.

Ellie: Not the kiss. The rest.

Ashley: He’s different. I think.

Ellie: Guys suck Ashley. They enjoy messing with our feelings and then sticking us with the rent. Just don’t come crying to me when he Craig’s out on you.

At the Dot

Craig: Everything okay? (Holds up his phone) Your uh, your text was all in caps.

Ashley: Yeah I just, I figured we should talk before rehearsal, about yesterday.

Craig: Right. Okay. Well it sort of took me by surprise.

Ashley: Yeah join the club.

Craig: So you’re confused too?

Ashley: You know maybe we were just uh, reaching for something familiar. Given Jimmy, everything that’s happened.

Craig: Oh, never thought of that.

Ashley: We have been doing great as friends right?

Craig: Right and who’d wanna screw that up?

Ashley: Yeah, who would?

Craig: Good. Great. Good. I’m glad we got that settled.

Ashley: Yeah well at least we still have the band.

Craig: Yeah.

At the club

Hazel: I hope they have yoga in jail

Paige: We’re not going to jail ok. Our ID is super good. I swear.

Hazel: So we’ll be in jail and the witness protection program.

Paige: Hazel, breathe out tension, breathe in peace remember?

Hazel: When’s your birthday?

Paige: Um you know it’s uh, it’s November 19th.

Hazel: Of what year?

Paige: Crap.19…

Hazel: Too slow. You’re in jail!

Paige: Okay what’s your postal code?

Bouncer: ID ladies.

At Craig’s garage

Craig: So last practice. Tomorrow’s our big break.

Marco: Yeah great, where’s Ash?

Craig: Um kitchen, getting us some-

Manny: (holding a tambourine) Guys can’t we get a prettier one?

Spinner: Oh yeah because you get to do what you want I’m putting Manny on tambourine.

Marco: (pulls out an accordion) What?! Every man for himself right Craig?

Ashley: Hey guys. Did I miss something?

Marco: Yeah actually, Craig why don’t you tell Ashley about the changes we made to our band?

Ashley: They include the accordion? Playing a nice polka? Okay um, we record tomorrow. Why are we making changes now?

Spinner: Tell her why Craig.

(Craig is just staring openmouthed at everyone.)

Spinner: No? Alright and 1, still crap, four.

(Everyone starts playing (lol, it was really hilarious) and Ashley is just staring at them all.)

In the bar

Paige: We did it. We did it. We did it!

Hazel: Paige you need to get out more.

Paige: There he is.

Hazel: Calm down. Calm down!

Paige: Oh my god, he’s drinking a beer. That is so cute.

(Paige walks over to him.)

Paige: Mr. O? I never thought I’d see you in here.

Mr. Oleander: Paige. Hey. Um you know this is a bar right?

Paige: Yeah I love this place. Can I sit down? Can I uh buy you a drink?

Mr. O: Hey. Hey Paige I want you to meet someone. This is Charlie, my girlfriend.

Paige: Oh.

Mr. Uh Paige is a student of mine.

Charlie: Oh you’re so sweet. I think she’s kind of crushing on you Matty. I’ll have a red wine and a Shirley temple for the kid here. It’s a school night.

(The bouncer throws Paige and Hazel out of the club.)

Paige: Hey, I am 19. This is ridiculous.

At the recording studio

Marco: It’s uber cool. I can’t believe we’re recording.

Spinner: Yeah. It is just like we always wanted. (Shakes the tambourine) Hey Craig?

Craig: Sure. Gypsy rock and roll act.

Spinner: Hey it’s your choice buddy.

Ashley: Hey sorry I’m late. Cab driver got lost. My luck.

Craig: Come on guys, we’re on the clock.

(Marco plays the accordion.)

Ashley: Um, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be a diva but are we really gonna record like this?

Spinner: Well what do you mean, your highness?

Ashley: With the accordion and the tambourine? Craig?

Spinner: Yeah okay guys, let’s get some more free food eh? Here hold this. *puts the tambourine on Marco’s head*

Manny: Dibs on the cinnamon buns!

Spinner: Oh yeah! (Manny, Spinner and Marco leave)

Ashley: Uh Craig, what’s going on? Look I’m not stupid, you have to tell me.

Craig: Okay. Um. You need to leave. You’re out of the band.

Ashley: And um the whole band wants this?

Craig: Yeah. But I don’t! It’s just-

Ashley: No, no it’s just business.

Back at the recording studio, it’s just Craig, Marco and Spinner

(Craig starts singing the song and they sound really good until the near the end of the song when he looks at the lonely keyboard and just stops singing.)

Marco: Uh Craig?

Spinner: Uh, okay that was awesome. Let’s just take it from the top.

Craig: I can’t do it.

Marco: Woah, Craig, of course you can!

Spinner: Where are you going?!

Craig: Um, everything. It was all about Ashley. It wasn’t about a single, or making it big…just Ashley!

Spinner: No Craig!


Craig: Ashley! Ashley. Hey…

Ashley: What are you doing here? You’re recording.

Craig: Couldn’t. I couldn’t do it. Especially a song that meant so much to us.

Ashley: So you just left? (She hits him in the shoulder) How could you throw a chance like that away?!

Craig: Look the recording studio will always be there, but you I wasn’t so sure.

Ashley: What?

Craig: I um sorry. I thought that…

Ashley: Hey. If you think you’re just gonna walk away.

(She pulls him back and kisses him.)

Ashley: So um. Do you think we can uh.

Craig: Yeah. Yeah I do.

Ashley: So do I.

(They kiss again.)

Scenes for next week

Craig: No one’s gonna come between Ash and me ever again.

Voiceover: With Ashley and Craig together once more everything seems perfect.

Ashley: That’s it. I’m really happy.

Voiceover: But looks can be deceiving.

Craig: Everyone’s trying to separate us.

Ashley: We were passing notes and talking.

Craig: Who’s side are you on?
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