03x15 - Accidents Will Happen Pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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03x15 - Accidents Will Happen Pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

(Craig walks into the school with his arm around Manny's shoulders, both of them beaming.)

Craig: So what do you think it is?

Manny: I don't know.

Craig: I hope it's a girl. Angie's always wanted a sister.

Manny: I think she'd be the baby's aunt.

Craig: Seven? That’s so weird.

(They bump into Ellie in the halls who yells "Watch out!" and keeps going. Craig apologizes, and him and Manny keep going. They kiss before the doors to a hallway. "Have fun in Science." he says, smiling at her. This happens while Ellie and Paige watch, with shocked expressions on their faces from the staircase.)

(Paige goes up to Manny and asks if everything was fine with the whole condom thing. "No… well… sort of." Manny says, going off towards class. Paige reminds her of cheer practice after school, and Manny says she can't make it… and wont be able to ever make it.)

(She then walks away.)

(Paige heads for her homeroom class. Ellie's whispering something into Ashley's ear.)

("How could he do that?" she asked, her eyes filling up with tears. Ash marches over to Paige. She tells Paige that Manny and Craig are back together, and Paige feels that she is in need to tell her that them getting back together isn't all… that Manny's also pregnant! With a Paige-signature smirk of course. Ashley stares out into space with amazement and sadness.)

(The grade 9 English class is in session, with JT, Liberty and Ssean in it. The teacher announces a project and Liberty asks if they have to work in pairs. The teacher insists that they do, but he gets to choose the partners. "Liberty is with…" the teacher starts with.)

(JT is shown muttering under his breath about how he hopes it's not him.)

("…Sean Cameron." Sean mutters his dislike for being with a brownnoser, not too loud for the teacher to hear, but just loud enough to reach the ears of liberty beside him.)

(She says the same back, that she doesn't want to be with some 'hells angel in training' slacker.)

At the cafeteria

(Craig comes in carrying a carton of milk for Manny. She claims that she already had a carton of milk, but Craig insists that she has another. He then pulls out a book of babynames. "Look what I found." he says with a smile. "Pick a name… don't look." he opens the book to a random page, holding it out to her. Manny closes her eyes, and points to a random name on a page. She looks at it and with a smirk remarks; "Mmm… no. Anyone who's named Maude will pick their nose and eat glue." Just then the wicked witch of the east aka Ashley turns up and ees the baby-name book they're holding.)

Ashley: What's this? So you need a name?

(She looks out to the cafeteria.)

Ashley: HEY! EVERYBODY! These two have an announcement to make. Guys? (akward pause) Guys? (Manny and Craig look at each other, panicked)

(Ashley smiles her fake-happy grin. "Aww they're too modest. So I'll help spread the joy. These two idiots are pregnant." (Gasps and moans come from all over… Craig covers his mouth with shock))

Ashley: That's right, because it's way too difficult to use a condom.

(Manny gets up and runs out of the cafeteria. Craig stares angrily at Ashley who says "I can't believe you slept with her." and then walks off in a huff.)

(Manny's now in the bathroom stall crying. Paige and Terri come in to reapply lip gloss. Terri remarks about how much she loves babies and how Manny's so lucky to get to have one.)

(Paige exclaims that she shouldn't joke! Then Paige goes into a tyrant on how she likes Manny, but this is the most looserish thing ever. Now Manny's not going to get any pool parties and other boys! She'll have to stay home! And besides, she'll probably even ruin her figure.)

(They then leave, and Emma comes in, looking for Manny. She finds Manny in a stall, and knocks. Manny opens up, and stands in tears.)

(Emma asks Manny why she didn't come talk to her. Manny says that Emma didn't seem to care about what happened with her and Craig. Emma comforts Manny and offers for Manny and Craig to come over afterschool when she's babysitting Jack. Manny accepts, and Emma leaves.)

(JT is outside and wipes out on his skateboard. Liberty, who was watching his moves comes to his rescue, and runs to help him up. She then says a few lame jokes, and makes an attempt to get JT to go out with her. She asks him to a film festival. JT obviously decides he's had enough, and tells Liberty he's had enough of her crush and disses her harshly. Then he leaves, leaving Liberty crushed.)

(Manny and Craig are looking at Jack at Emma's house. "He's so gorgeous." Craig comments with a soft smile. "Hey?" "Yeah." Manny agrees grinning. "He's an angel.")

(Emma then shows Manny a book about pregnancy and shows her a diagram of a little tiny baby. She says that this is how the baby's probably like now. Craig sees the cover with the pregnant lady, and remarks with a grin how he cant imagine Manny getting so big! Manny then talks to Emma about how great and supportive Spike's being, and how she wishes she could trade Emma mothers, because her mom is going to freak out! Then Jack starts to cry and Emma rushes over to him, stressed out. Craig comments, that taking care of a baby must be a piece of cake, and that it's not rocket science or anything. The doorbell rings, so Emma tells Craig that he can take care of the 'piece of cake' while she answers the door. She hands Craig the bottle, and Craig takes it, confused and unsure what to do with it. Then him and Manny go to Jack and try to calm him down.)

(Outside, Emma answers the door to find.. surprise surprise.. Chris! He's delivering her book, and Emma takes it from him with a flirtatious smile. They make small talk, when they her crying. Emma shows him the baby monitor she brought with her, and they listen with a amusement to Craig and Manny on the other end, trying to take care of Jack, making comments on how big of disasters those two are.)

(This is what’s going on, on the baby monitor)

(Jack cries)

Craig: Ew! I'm not touching that!

Manny: You have to wipe it!

Craig: But… it's… green!

Manny: …You shouldn’t hold him like that until his diaper is…

Craig: Oh no! Oh nooooo! Oh nonononono! Oh noo! CRAP!

(Emma heads back inside, greeted by Manny and Craig with fake smiles telling her it went great, not knowing Emma brought the baby monitor. Craig all this time continues to wipe something off his shirt. Emma then starts to change the baby, trying to show Manny and Craig how, and Manny and Craig stand, looking worried, not making eye contact.)

(Switch to Liberty, sitting at a computer. She's watching JT lustily, her mouth practically drooling. Sean sits down with library books about their subject, and Liberty's impressed.)

(He tries to talk to her, but she's ignoring him, watching JT. Sean snaps her out of her trance, and asks her about it. She doesn't want to talk about it, but Sean comments that he bets she likes JT.. Sean says that he sympathizes with her, that his girlfriend dumped him a week ago for some other guy. He gives her advice to move on, just like what he's doing. With a flash of inspiration across Liberty's face, she moves closer to Sean to read the book with him.)

(Craig comes outside with a milk carton, looking for Manny. He sees Spinner sitting at a picnic table. He asks Spin if he's seen Manny, and Spinner says no, but theres an empty seat here. Craig sits down, and Spinner says theres something he's got to tell Craig. Craig leans over ready to listen, and Spinner smacks him on the forehead.)

(Spinner tells Craig he's being dumb to take on all this responsibility and stuff. He should be partying and traveling, and getting with lots of girls. What happened to spring break in Florida?)

Craig: (standing up) For once, I want to do the right thing, y'know?

Spinner: But you dont have to keep the kid. There are other things you can do.

Craig: This is what I want to do Spin! You don't get it!

Spinner: No, I don't. At all.

Craig: You've got a family alright? But I… I stay at some guy's house! But… Manny and the baby! They're… mine! They're for me!

(Cut to Manny arriving at Spike's house. Spike lets Manny in, and Manny says that she couldn't concentrate in school so she came here. Manny asks Spike about being a single mom… what's it like? Spike tells her that it's like juggling six things at once… the things are on fire, and your on a bus… you can't drop a single thing… and can't do anything else for at least 12 years! Manny looks saddened at the news, so Spike tries to cheer her up with tales of sticky candy-coated kisses, and christmas ornaments made out of toilet-paper rolls. This doesnt cheer Manny up at all.)

(Manny tells Spike that she wants to get into fashion! She wants to go to Paris or New York and study fashion! This is ruining her plans! She says that she doesn't really want to have the baby, but Craig really does. Spike says that ultimately the decision is yours. Manny finally asks if she doesnt have to do it if she doesnt want to. Spike shakes her head.)

(Liberty approaches Sean and his friends at the front of the school the next day. She's in all black with a leather jacket and a red 50's-girl scarf around her neck. She looks like someone out of Grease. She goes up to Sean, after being made fun of by JT, and flirts with him.)

(Then as she leaves she gives him a seductive wink. All of his friends laugh, except for one guy, who looks interested in her. JT gives Sean advice, that Liberty doesnt know subtle. That he has to be brutal with her.)
(Manny tells her mom reluctantly in their living room about being pregnant.)

(After a lot of shock, and crying from her mom, and mumblings of things from Manny, they hug. (Yes, like that picture everyone thought was fake) Manny must be relieved cause her mom wasnt mad at all.)

(Liberty bothers Sean again, this time in the lunch room. She comes over to the table where he and his friends are sitting, and brings him a tray of his 'favourites' a banana and a piece of chocolate cake. Sean's friends except for the one who likes her, make fun of Liberty, and Sean gets annoyed and tells Liberty off, saying that they could never be together.)

(Liberty runs off crushed. Later in the computer lab, Sean confronts Liberty who's crushed and saddened. She feels like no one will ever like her. Sean says that that isnt true, that his friend likes her. His friend's into intelligent girls. Sean points to the clear window, and a guy is smiling at her. Liberty smiles back.)

(Looks like some sparks!)

(Manny comes to Emma's house looking for Spike and gets into a conversation with Emma. Manny tells Emma how happy she is that her mom isn’t mad… Emma tells her that it's great.)

(Manny says that now her mom will even drive Manny to the clinic. Emma is upset. Her and Manny have a mini-argument, Manny insisting that she cant have the baby cause she's not ready for a child, and that its better not living. Emma insists that Manny could have it adopted, but Manny says she doesn’t want to go through the pain of labor and the stuff with going to school.)

(Emma runs off in a huff.)

(At school, Manny runs into Craig at her locker.)

Craig: (trying to hug Manny) There she is!

Manny: Don’t, Craig.

Craig: What's the matter?

Manny: I can't do this… I thought I could… but I can't.

Craig: You’re not making any sense.

Manny: Someday, you'll make a great dad. And hopefully someday, I'll be a mom, but now… now isn’t someday yet. (Manny starts to walk towards the doors)

Craig: (lunging for her) NO! No your not! Manny stop. No I won't let you! (He grabs his arm, trying to stop her from going)

Manny: No!

(Emma steps in.)

Emma: Craig!

Craig: Emma! You butt out! What she's doing is wrong!

Emma: I agree with you okay? If she was just some stranger I'd be FURIOUS with her. But she's not! She's my friend… and it's her choice!

Craig: But it's my baby!

Emma: And it's Manny's body! What about her?

(They turn to look at Manny)

Manny: "I just… I just… I can't."

(Craig runs out the front door. Manny thanks Emma, and Emma tells Manny that she's her friend and she'll always be there for her.)

(Later, Manny and her mom are at the abortion clinic. The doctor tells them that there are some side-effect risks involved… but only a slight chance. They say its fine. Manny asks if it's going to hurt. The doctor says only a little, like when you have cramps. Manny gets up, but then whispers quietly to the doctor, asking her what's going to happen afterwards. The doctor says that some women cry, and a lot are relieved after the procedure. But she should ONLY go through with it if she's completely ready and sure…)

(Manny looks off into the distance.)
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